Nawaz Sharif intends to return to Pakistan without worrying about whether he is "taken to jail or jail"


London: A former defiant Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that he was leaving behind his sick wife in the protection of Allah and returning to Pakistan, that he be "taken away" prison or gallows ". Sharif, who is in London to care for his wife Kulsoom, is expected to return to Pakistan on Thursday, a few days after being sentenced to 11 years in prison by an anti-corruption court in the Avenfield case, one of three cases of corruption. Vice President of the Pakistani Islamic League-Nawaz (PML-N) said on Wednesday that he wanted to see his wife open his eyes to the Panama Papers scandal

. once again, asking the nation to pray for its speedy recovery. He said that he was coming back "despite seeing a prison cell in front of him" and he was saddened to see that he was leaving his wife behind him on a fan

  File image of Nawaz Sharif. AP

Nawaz Sharif file image. AP

"I'm coming back to fulfill the promise of respect for the vote," said the 68-year-old prime minister. Sharif said that he would not stop now, that he was "taken to jail or in gallows". Sharif was sentenced to 11 years in prison for corrupt practices related to his family's purchase of four luxury apartments in London, a major blow to his PML-Nawaz party before the July 25 general election.

more cases of corruption in the court of responsibility – Al-Azizia Steel Mills and Flagship Investments – in which they are accused of money laundering, tax evasion and hiding offshore badets. Commenting on the Avenfield case, Sharif said it was written in the verdict that he had been cleared of corruption charges.

"It had to be written in the verdict that no evidence of corruption could be found against me," he said. "Are there Pakistanis whose three generations have had to face this kind of responsibility?" Sharif said that the Pakistani people have once again seen the "real face" of justice. "After searching in several countries of the world, it was necessary to write that there was no evidence of corruption [against me]."

He argued that he respected all the institutions of Pakistan, noting that he had made the country a nuclear power state in 1998.

Sharif also took a tussle with the old Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and others who said that he will not come back from London. "Those who put me on the checklist of exit should know that I come back, there are those who said that I would not come back to Pakistan, some said that I would take political asylum but all are wrong, me and Maryam I told them I'm not the one who runs away, "he said.

Sharif said that the former dictator, General Pervez Musharraf, who repealed twice the Constitution of Pakistan, remains at liberty, we have the power to bring him back. "I come to repay the debt of the nation that has three times elected the prime minister," he said. [19659002Sharifsaidthatthedecisiontodisqualifyhimhisdaughterandson-in-lawCaptainSafdarwas"madeelsewhere""Myenemieswentaftermyfamilydespitethefactthattheheadofthejointteamofinvestigationsaidthattherewasnocorruptionintheinvestigationsthejudgehasclearedusmydaughterwbadentencedandn9neverhadapublicofficeinhislife"MaryamNawaz44consideredSharif'spoliticalheiresssaidthatreturningtoPakistan"togotojailwasthehardestdecisionofourlifebecausemymotherisonthefanandwedonotknownotwhathappensnextthereisnopainlikeleavinghermotherinsuchasituationbutthereisanationaldutyandwehavetomakethisimportantjourney"Shesaidherfamilyfacedwithmorethan100courtappearancesfor"false"chargesinthePanamaPaperscaseMaryamsaidPakistanwasatanimportanttimeand"thesearedefiningtimes"

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