New appointments of British scientists from a £ 50 bill issued by the Bank of England


The Bank of England published the list of scientists who were nominated to appear on the £ 50 advertised.

Applications are not closed until December 14, but the bank has already received 114,000 votes for 803 eligible. candidates.

   The leaders of the front of the new £ 50 bills
The leaders of the front of the new £ 50 bills

The most famous names on the list are Alan Turing, Ada Lovelace and Rosalind Franklin.

Professors Stephen Hawking, Dorothy Hodgkin and Frederick Sanger, as well as Magnus Pyke and Marie Stopes are also on the list.

Margaret Thatcher was also on the list and previously worked for food company J Lyons. 19659002] The list has more than three times more men than women. Men have more than 600 nominations, while women have more than 300.

Who are some of the leaders?

William Hill bookmakers have published their odds for each of the potential leaders at £ 50.

Stephen Hawking – 2/7

The favorite of the bookmaker is Professor Stephen Hawking with a rating of 2/7.

The theoretical physicist and cosmologist became a favorite immediately after the announcement, with Professor Brian Cox. giving its approval.

Alan Turing – 5/1

He is celebrated as a father of theoretical computer science and pioneer of artificial intelligence. He was also one of the pioneers of the Bletchley Park code that deciphered Nazi messages during the Second World War.

Alexander Fleming – 6/1

M. Fleming is a Scottish bacteriologist well known for his discovery of penicillin.

Dorothy Hodgkin – 6/1

After winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964, the chemist was the first and only British woman to win this coveted honor. Even today, she keeps this record in 2018.

Her pioneering work on X-ray crystallography revealed the 3D structures of penicillin and insulin. The work paved the way for a better treatment of diabetics.

Michael Faraday – 6/1

A British scientist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism. His main discoveries focus on the principles of electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism and electrolysis.

Ada Lovelace – 9/1

Although she died at the age of 36 in 1852, she is considered by some to be the first computer scientist.

She worked on a first versatile computer called the badysis engine, recognizing that its potential was not just simple calculations.

How will the winner be chosen?

The public has until December 14. continue to appoint scientists. You can name someone here.

People are being asked to make suggestions on the Bank's website to appoint a distinguished leading scientist from areas such as biology, astronomy, and medical research.

If they are British, do not live anymore and are not fictional, then they have a chance.

Since the start of the selection process on November 2, the bank has received a total of 174,112 applications. But only 114,000 of them were intended for candidates meeting the eligibility criteria.

Once the applications are closed, the names will be examined by the Advisory Committee on the Character of Banknotes.

It is composed of four scientific experts: Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pobad, Mrs. Emily Grossman, Professor Simon Schaffer and Mr. Simon Singh

They will join the permanent members of the Committee to create a short list among the Set of suggestions presented by the public.

Bank of England, Mark Carney, will then make his choice from the list of successful candidates and the final decision will be announced in 2019. It will be accompanied by a concept brief for the new note.

Why £ 50 Notes Change- they?

Mark Carney announced earlier this year that a new polymer ticket will celebrate British scientific breakthroughs

This post will be the latest upgrade in a plastic polymer version

The new £ 50 note will replace the current paper bill that describes the pioneers of the industrial revolution Matthew Boulton and James Watt.

There is not yet a specific release date, but it should be available by 2020.

Stephen Hawking and Ada Lovelace have both been on the list of bookmakers since l & # 's 39, announcement of the new note.

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A new £ 50 bill will feature a Stephen Hawking and Ada Lovelace scientist among favorites

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