New Moon Horoscopes for Today, Monday, February 4, 2019: Astrology Signs of the Zodiac


With energy lasting up to 3 months, this New Moon is unlike any other.

Your daily horoscope is here with a tarot card reading for each zodiac sign is here for Monday Feb. 4 2019! Today, the new moon is perfecting at 4:03 pm eastern time, and it is a reason for celebration and joy.

This is an omen of things to come when Saturn will enter Aquarius in 2020. It's time to release the old and give way to the new, but a new one that resonate with your true self, not an image designed to please others.

The new moon in Aquarius with a sun in Aquarius and even a Mercury in Aquarius (pre-retrograde) means that the planetary forces are now aligning for your personal freedom.

Did a voice get stuck in your head about what you have not been? Who should you be? Or what you need to do. No more. It's an opportunity to embrace your unique design, celebrate your creation and not just understand your purpose, but immerse yourself in your identity without any shame.

The Aquarian Sun not only badociates with the New Moon to purify the air, but you are quite open with the universal clear to start new projects based on the truth of your current identity.

RELATED: Daily Tarot Reading + Digital Horoscope Monday, February 4, 2019 for all signs of the zodiac

The Aquarian Sun also works closely with Mercury in Aquarius. No hash words here. You can say what you want to say and the kickback can happen, but the message you are giving is clear: you are ready to take action that comes from a source of deep knowledge.

Saturn is involved, as is Jupiter. There is a harmonious energy that allows what you see to become clear. It may involve giving or taking property, money, or terminating a relationship that was not just right at the start.

These are important and changing times. When Uranium energy intensifies at the end of Aries, it prompts to begin to become YOU and to no one else.

Check your zodiac sign for the energy of the Moon today, Monday Feb 4 for your horoscope, tarot, and Astrology

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Tarot Card: The Wheel of Fortune

Aries, all the good things you are about to live on or you are experiencing do not not primarily part of your actions. Although your love for speed and being the first to advance your life, positive things are not at all yours but no need to worry about it, just enjoy that time. Go with the flow and you can succeed without worrying.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Tarot Card: The Emperor

Bull, success and success are going well. You love material pleasures and cherish everything that someone has given you special, you will soon get everything you deserve and what you want.

An important man will support you to help you get what you want most. This figure can be your father, husband or boss. You will also feel very confident during this time.

RELATED: Monthly Horoscope of February 2019, For all signs of the astrological zodiac

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Tarot Card: Death

Gemini, c & # 39 is a period of dramatic change. Take this change period in a positive and fun way, because you will be able to handle all the changes when they are fun. Future changes are difficult and sometimes painful, but you will succeed. These transformations only make you grow and make you stronger. This new phase of your life will still be your best, so do not give up!

CANCER (21 June – 22 July)

Tarot Card: The World

Cancer, a period of satisfaction, happiness, and satisfaction are what you will begin to experience now. You appreciate everything you have worked so hard for and you are happy with your success and the lifestyle you are currently living.

Meanwhile, you will experience greater strength and greater spiritual awareness that will bring you even more joy. Enjoy this time and spend time with your family and close friends!

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Tarot Card: The Tower

Leo, your life changes dramatically. This is a new beginning and you should try to see it in a positive light as it will give you many new opportunities. Now is the time to re-evaluate your life and make difficult decisions.

This upcoming change may even make you want to never know you before. Stay cautious at this time regarding your property or that of your loved ones, whether you are moving, whether you decide to buy a new home or are renovating your building, this could be stuck for a while. time.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Tarot Card: The Moon

Virgo, you want clarity at a time when you feel very confused and vulnerable. You want to know every detail of your future and know how the troubling events will unfold. You want to know the details not only because you love all these little details and know exactly why and how things are going, but also because you will feel better. Use your intuition to guide you on the right path, even if you do not know all the details at the moment.

RELATED: Solar Yearly Return Horoscope Aquarius, 2019-2020

LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)

Tarot Card: Hierophant

Libra, since you hate alone ask help from those you trust to help you achieve what you want. You can not do everything yourself and asking for help allows you to be accompanied during your trip. Do not let mentors influence you too much, in the end you must stay true to yourself. The only trust you should place is in the ones you know and really respect.

SCORPION (23 October – 21 November)

Tarot Card: The Star

Scorpio, you are usually fierce and not afraid to show your really, but lately you have fear of the future and you do not feel confident at all. You are afraid of not reaching the level of success that you want, but do not worry, you will not feel it long.

Soon, you will feel joy and fulfillment and your life will get the answers to your questions. are looking for. Good health in this period of poor health is fighting for you or a loved one. If you are thinking of doing something new, such as a new love, a new career or a new destination, go for it!

SAGITTARIUS (22 November – 21 December)

Tarot Card: Judgment

Sagittarius, a new beginning in your life is all you want right now. You want a brand new beginning, but you must remember that we live in a time of joy and not regret. You will be rewarded for your past efforts and new opportunities will also come to you soon. These opportunities of life can completely transform your life for the better.

CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

Tarot Card: Strength

Capricorn, you are a serious and serious person but you fear for the moment lack of willpower to deal with something that concerns you. You feel negative and listening to your fears will only create more stress and lost opportunities.

Be brave, think of your beloved family and dig deep in your emotions to find strength. Everything will be fine for you and know all the right answers.

RELATED: Daily Tarot Reading + Digital Horoscope of Monday, February 4, 2019 For All Signs of the Zodiac

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Tarot Card: Magician [19659018AquariusthatdoesnotusuallybotheryoufrombeingalonebutyousurelyhaveahumanfigureinyourlifeWhetherthevirilefigureofyourlifeisafatherstepfatherboyfriendpriestteacherorbossbecarefulaboutwhotheyreallyare

This card indicates that perhaps a man of your life is not who they seem to be, they try to check you out by being very friendly and charming, but they do not really have your interest in mind. Use your intellectual abilities to feel if someone presents you with a business opportunity that seems too good to be true, so be careful who you trust.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Tarot Card: The Hermit

Pisces, it may be time to feel a little lonely. You usually take care of giving advice to others, but now you have to step back and look for what you really want and know what to do next. If you feel tired and exhausted, now is the time to take a break and be a little selfish with your time.

Aria Gmitter, MS, MFA, is writer astrologer, and yourTango's Zodiac & Horoscopes Editor covering astrology and celestial events. It's live on YourTango's Facebook page on Tuesdays at 10:20 pm EST, reading tarot cards and answering questions about your zodiac sign. Follow her on Facebook.

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