Nine Travel Trends to Watch for in 2019 – Travel Weekly


Intrepid has released its forecast of travel trends for the coming year, with Australian travelers heading to more distant destinations with deeper meanings.

"Where and how you travel is now a social marker, it identifies your personality. The 2019 traveler will be defined by his strong social conscience and sense of adventure, "said James Thornton, CEO of Intrepid Group.

"2019 will mark 30 years of Intrepid Travel and we are proud to see how our travel style has evolved to become a way to connect and enjoy the locals, as well as the travelers themselves.

"Next year will be the" transition to the age of majority "for travelers as we will see significant changes in the manner, reasons and location of their vacations." [19659002] 1. & # 39; & # 39; Keep it away from it & # 39; will go on to the next level: We can all understand that we feel busy, tired, stressed and eager to escape daily pressures, including social media.

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By 2019, however, an escape will go to the extreme with more exhausted people opting for unexplored expeditions to unknown places with little connection to the outside world.

Previously, first year of the first Intrepid trip of this type, the Uncharted Expedition sold practically all night with 10 travelers who chose to travel 3,500 kilometers from Kazakhstan to Mongolia on routes not yet mapped by Google where intermittent electricity and WIFI, some cold showers and fermented milk treat en route!

Mysterious, more extreme escapades will be published in 2019.

2. Anti-Consumption Will Hunt People at Christmas: Credit Card Debt, Unwanted Gifts and excessive marketing of retailers will drive more people out of the country by Christmas 2019.

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This year, Intrepid has nearly doubled its family trips during of the Christmas period and 29% of them travel solo during the holidays. In break with tradition, vacationers choose the hot destinations of India, Cambodia and Central America instead of a white Christmas.

3. Travel Will Become a Concrete Way to Empower Women in Developing Countries: By 2018, everything is centered on the "me too" movement and travelers will be looking for the "me" movement. opportunity to truly make a difference through the products they buy and the places they go to. [19659002] More women will travel to developing countries to support local women, Intrepid launching women-only expeditions to experience their way of life in Jordan, Morocco and Iran.

"Women are undoubtedly disadvantaged in the labor market of some developing countries. In Morocco, only 25% of women work and 30% of women in India. Our goal has been to double the number of women tour guides by 2020 to create jobs that otherwise would not have existed, "said Thornton.

4. Journeys will also allow women to take charge of themselves: Next year, more women will be looking to travel to support themselves, for example by traveling to destinations outside their comfort zone, reaching a goal such as climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or diving into Ayurveda, tradition and yoga in South India.

 Intrepid Travel-Morocco-Berbers-Expedition-headscarf (50) [19659002] In fact, Intrepid recorded a 31% increase in the number of women traveling solo alone two years ago.

5. Forgotten Destinations Will Make Their Big Comeback: With Attention recent media reports on the problems related to the excess s of tourism, we will see travelers rethinking once very hot places. Fearless is experiencing increased travel and travel research in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Moldova, Greenland, Kazakhstan and Hungary.

Global bookings in Hungary increased by 155%, while bookings in Moldova increased by 80%, while Australia recorded one. a 72% increase in bookings.

6. Travelers Want an Honorary Citizenship: "Living Like a Local" will rise up a notch with vacationers making themselves a place under the skin of a destination that & # 39; They consider themselves citizens of honor.

Under the impetus of rising sustainable tourism and increasing awareness of the use of tourist dollars by supporting local communities, travelers will seek more local experiences than ever before.

For example, during a visit to Tehran, travelers will take the train with locals and travelers will discover fascinating women's wagons, where everything from makeup to lingerie is sold to pbadengers who must not leave their seat.

"We'll see more people skip the gondola in Venice for the vaporetto. Public transportation will be preferred over taxis and more and more people will accept friendly invitations from locals to accompany them to a home-cooked meal or tea, "Thornton said.

7.Pbadports become cookbooks: It's not enough anymore to buy a cookbook.

Travelers want to learn local ingredients and bademble them in the kitchen of a local to reproduce them at home to invite them to a dinner.

Sri Lanka is supposed to be the hottest place for a gourmet tour in 2019 – literally with its spicy curries, fresh seafood and sweet desserts.

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Intrepid saw a 40 percent increase in booking During their culinary adventures in Sri Lanka over the past year, Australian bookings at Sri Lanka rose by 79% and Kiwis by 176%.

"Food tours were once reserved for high-end and expensive travel companies. This is no longer the case, we note that destinations such as Sri Lanka are gaining popularity thanks to the plethora of street restaurants, spice markets and cooking clbades given by locals in their own homes ", said Thornton.

8 Fear Must not Discourage Travelers: Next year, travelers will be more resilient to news, information, propaganda and About the media to get their own idea about countries like Iran, Egypt and Turkey.

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Intrepid recorded an increase in the number of travelers visiting the Middle East by 121% in 2018.

After a few difficult years, there has been a 132% increase in the number of Australians traveling to Turkey in September 2018 compared to the same period last year.

9.The Australians will become more familiar with Japan: Japan is about to saturate our screens with the Rugby World Cup next year, followed by the 2020 Olympics. [19659002] This will allow Australians to travel deeper into the country. According to Intrepid Travel, the number of trips to Japan has increased by 37% and the number of bookings in 2019 is record.

The country currently hosts about 257,000 Australian holidaymakers a year, up from 46,000 ten years ago.

increase to go beyond major Japanese cities in places like Okinawa. This remote southern island chain is considered exotic, even for Japanese residents. Travelers will learn karate, ride in a glbad bottom boat and snorkel with manta rays.

For more inspiration and offers on travel in 2019, visit

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