No homework for classes 1 and 2


Do not ask students to bring books or additional material (Representation)

New Delhi:

The Ministry of Education issued Monday new guidelines to the It is the intention of schools not to give badignments to pupils in clbades 1 and 2. the weight of schoolbags does not exceed a certain limit.

According to the official order, the Ministry of Education has "instructed all states and territories of the Union to formulate guidelines to regulate the teaching of materials and weight binders in accordance with the instructions of the Indian Government ".

In accordance with these instructions, to which schools have been invited to conform, institutions can not give badignments to pupils in grades 1 and 2.

"Schools shall not prescribe other subjects that language and mathematics for clbades I and II and language, EVS and mathematics for pupils of clbades III to V, as prescribed by the NCERT, "declared the order."