Northern lights timelapse: Watch Aurora filmed by ISS astronaut | Science | News


The mesmerising video timelapse of the Aurora Borealis was exhibited by German astronaut Alexander Gerst.

The video shows the Northern Light in full glory – swirling mbades of green and blue glowing gas in the northernmost reaches of the planet. [19659002] Dr. Gerst filmed the aurora during one of the ISS '16 daily orbits around the planet.

The 38 second long timelapse consists of nearly 1,000 individual photographs of the planet

The European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut and geophysicist is currently onboard the space laboratory for his second mission ISS

incredible from space.

"ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst captured this time-lapse of an aurora just 10 days into his Horizons mission aboard the International Space Station.

" Shot during one of the Space station's 16 daily orbits, this 38 second time-lapse included 950 images taken at an interval of 0.5 seconds.

"Alexander will be living and working on the International Space Station for six months from June to December 2018." [19659002] A second video captured from the ISS shows intense thunder and lighting the planet under the cover of the night.

The individual flashes of light filmed by Dr. Gerst are seen going out of the open ocean.

The video

The ESA said the lighting was shot from 1,675 photos taken about two seconds apart

The space agency said: "Alexander often sets cameras to automatically Space Station. "

The ISS is currently barreling around the planet some 240 miles above the surface of E arthritis

With an orbital speed of around 17,200mph (27,600kmh) The ISS circles on the planet 15 to 16 times a day

The ISS completes an orbit every 90 minutes, which is why day and night on the space lab only last 45 minutes each.

Hopeful astronauts inspired but the ISS timelapse footage can watch a high definition live from the ISS right here

the night side of Earth.

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