Notorious spoiler Tom Holland may have accidentally confirmed a fan theory for "Avengers 4".


  Avengers War to Infinity Marvel Studios

Warning: This post contains spoilers for "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Ant-Man and the Wasp."

  • Spider-Man actor Tom Holland may have revealed plot Details on "Avengers 4" in an old interview that would confirm a popular fan theory.
  • Holland said that his co-star and the actor of Dr. Strange Benedict Cumberbatch talked a lot about the "Quantum Realm"
  • the end of "Ant-Man and Wasp", Ant-Man is caught in the trap in the kingdom. Before entering, Wasp tells him not to get trapped in a time vortex.
  • Many have theorized that time travel will play a big role in "Avengers 4" and that the Quantum Kingdom will be involved in that. Director Peyton Reed also said that the scene was influenced by the events that occur in "Avengers 4".

Tom Holland, a Spider-Man actor, is known to have spoiled things, and he may have revealed details of the "Avengers 4" next year even before the release of "Avengers : Infinity War. "

In an old Access Hollywood interview with Holland and Benedict Cumberbatch, the star of "Infinity War," Holland presents the Quantum Realm. The interview took place during the press tour "Infinity War", but was brought back to the honor thanks to the YouTube channel "Emergency Awesome" because of the importance of Quantum Realm in "Ant-Man and the Wasp" and "Avengers 4". "

" But he has the toughest lines, "Holland said of Cumberbatch, who plays Dr. Strange." He has to talk about so much about Quantum Realm, I just have to say, "Yeah, man. It's great! "So mine is easy, but his is so difficult! "

Since the Kingdom of Quantum is not a subject in" Infinity War "and Holland filmed scenes for" Avengers 4 "at the time of the interview, this may confirm a fan theory on "Avengers 4" which is linked to the end of "Infinity War" and the end-credits scene of "Ant-Man and the Wasp." At the end of the "War of the Infinite", Thanos reaches to annihilate half of humanity and many heroes, including Spider-Man and Strange, disappear in the dust.

In the ending scene of the credits "Ant-Man and the Wasp", Ant-Man is returns to the quantum realm to recover quantum particles While there, his companions on the outside – Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne, and Hope Van Dyne (The Wasp) – disappear, leaving Ant-Man trapped in the realm

Fans have speculated that the Quantum Kingdom will play a big role in reversing the effects of the breaking of Thanos. & Lt enters it, Hope warns that if he is trapped in a time whirlwind, he will not be able to save it. Many have theorized that stopping Thanos and bringing back the missing in "Avengers 4" will have to involve the trip back in time.

The theory seems more plausible given what Peyton Reed, the director of "Ant-Man and the Wasp", said about the end-of-the-year generics scene

"We went through all these permutations and Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely wrote "Infinity War" and "Avengers 4", so there were a few key things that we probably knew happen in these movies, which made us allowed to set it up properly in ours, "said Reed Business. Insider

So the events of "Avengers 4" influenced the making of this scene. The quantum domain is even more important in this context.

Holland's comments about the Quantum Kingdom with respect to Dr. Strange make this theory even more possible. Dr. Strange seems to have a big plan in "Infinity War" even though he disappears. Before being "trapped", Strange sees millions of different possible outcomes for the battle with Thanos, and in one, the Avengers win it. Strange decides to abandon Time Stone in Thanos after that, and says that it was "the only way".

We'll have to wait until next year to see if all this shows how fans are guessing, but in the meantime, maybe Holland will hit again.

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