Now you can visit the Supreme Court of India and take a tour


 Now you can visit the Supreme Court of India and take a tour "title =" Now you can visit the Supreme Court of India and take a tour "src =" .cms "data-src =" "onerror =" this.src = 'https: //'"/><span clbad=

Indian now has a new tourist destination, and that too has a very exciting one, the Supreme Court of India Yes, now you can visit the Supreme Court of Ranjan Gogoi, the Chief Justice of India.

The Supreme Court of India Delhi, and tours can be conducted between 10 am and 1 pm every day, except on saturdays and declared holidays. the court. [1 9659003] The court's main wing was designed by architect Ganesh Bhikaji Deolalikar back in 1958.

Visitor rules

 Now you can visit the Supreme Court of India and take a tour "title =" Now you can visit Supreme Court of India and take a tour "src =" "data-src =" .jpg? width = 748 & height = 499 "onerror =" this.src = 'https: //' "<span clbad=

There are a set of rules that need to be followed by visitors coming into the court. These include no smoking, or bringing about eatables or tobacco items within the premises is also banned; also cameras and backpacks are not permitted. It is also known to have the highest standards of the Supreme Court of India as the highest legal authority of the nation.

The court can be visited for the tour. You will be able to see the short in two sections. While the first one is about the development of Judiciary in India and the second section is about the Federal Court, and the Supreme Court. The galleries here will take you through the history of Indian Judaism, while one will also get a look into the memories, ceremonial costumes, and more. Some interesting records of famous cases such as the murder of Mahatma Gandhi are also present

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