Obama and Trump propose final duel to mid-term voters


WASHINGTON – Former President Barack Obama has no hesitation in speaking out and has made a final plea for Democrats seeking to firmly control President Trump's policy in Tuesday's mid-term elections.

Obama and Trump presented divergent visions for the country Split screen of Sunday's election campaign, seeking to galvanize voter turnout in the struggle for control of the palaces and mansions of governors.

Obama rallies Democrats to Gary, Ind., On behalf of Senator Joe Donnelly, who faces a daunting challenge from a Republican businessman, Mike Braun. Later in the day, the former president was campaigning in his hometown of Chicago for businessman JB Pritzker, Democrats candidate for governor of Illinois.

Obama took a more public role this fall, after refraining from offering a full-fledged counterpoint. Trump's policies, which sought to dismantle Obama's legacy. Without having invoked his name, Obama accused Trump of lying and "scare" and warned the Democrats not to be distracted.

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Trump reacted by accusing Obama of leaving behind a series of broken promises on trade, the economic recovery and the promise to patients to live up to their commitments. Doctors under his health care law.

Trump organized a rally Sunday afternoon in Macon, Georgia, and then in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to support Georgia Republican candidate Brian Kemp and his representative Marsha Blackburn. , who is seeking a Senate seat in Tennessee.

To Gary, Obama congratulates Donnelly for his willingness to break up with his party, declaring in front of a delirious crowd at a rally in that state man. & # 39; & # 39;

Donnelly looks more like Trump while trying to persuade voters in the conservative Midwestern state to grant him a second term. It has angered some Democrats by standing right over the last few weeks and picking up on some of Trump's priorities, such as building a border wall with Mexico.

But Obama told voters at the rally at Gary that Donnelly "was trying to do well" by people "…" – not just his party – and said that he supported the Affordable Health Care Act, the overhaul of health care pbaded under Obama.

& # 39; & # 39; Joe Donnelly and I were not always in agreement. But Joe always let me know where he was standing and I knew how he believed and what he was always focused on: "What is the best thing for the Hoosiers he has served?" Obama. "He was honest and direct. So, you can count on that. That's what you want. You do not just want a man all the time. "

The Obama ruling was between the trips of his successor in the state on Friday and Monday on behalf of GOP Senate candidate, Mike Braun.

For Braun, a Business man campaigned as an unwavering ally for Trump.The appearances of the current president in Indianapolis and Fort Wayne are no doubt in a state that he won two years ago from 19 points. But for Donnelly, who frequently claims how often he votes with Trump, Obama's rally was a little more complicated.

"He needs to be vaccinated against some of his firmer conservative speeches, it's a pretty effective way to do it. "said Christina Hale, a former state legislator and Democratic candidate for the post of lieutenant governor in 2016.

  The President Trump addressed a rally Sunday in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Alex Wong / Getty Images

A rally Sunday in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Obama has revealed a polarizing character among independent and Republican voters. He is credited with part of Indiana's right-wing political turn, even though he won the state in 2008. To win Tuesday's election, Donnelly did not base his party on need a high turnout, but it must also eliminate some moderate Republicans and independents.

That's why Sunday's rally to Gary, a strongly African-American city that has more in common The Democratic Fortress of Chicago, located nearby, that parts of a deep red, could s & dquo; Prove strategic. Hillary Clinton supported Hillary Clinton in 2016, and the turnout on Tuesday will be crucial for Donnelly.

Obama blamed the Republicans for pbading a tax-friendly bill for the haves and trying to end the protections over pre-existing conditions. through the Affordable Care Act. And without mentioning Trump's name, he told the crowd that they could bring the country back to a more lenient and less confrontational policy.

people like Joe Donnelly, "he said, adding that his voice had become hoarse of all his campaigns in recent days. "It's no surprise that Joe Donnelly is organizing a rally this weekend with Barack H. Obama," Trump said as the crowd mocked him. He then added, "We do not want to go back to the time of Obama."

As a democrat in the red state, Donnelly has a target on the back since his unexpected defeat of Republican Richard Mourdock in 2012, when the former state treasurer stated that a woman who becomes pregnant with her rapist carries a "gift from God".

Donnelly has since held a delicate line, often frustrating his own party and the Republicans with the votes he took

Trump had none on Friday, linking Donnelly to "figures of the radical left" "party widely criticized by the GOP base.

"This Tuesday, I need the people of Indiana to send a message to Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Radical Democrats by voting for Mike Braun," he said. Trump as the crowd rose up. "I really talk to TV cameras more than you because I do not think we have too many Donnelly voters. Someone will he vote for Donnelly in this room? "

Rumors are still growing.

Gathering his followers to Macon, Trump praised Kemp as" … strong man "and" strong personality "and declared: Kemp would become a great governor for Georgia.

The president besieged Kemp's democrat opponent, Stacey Abrams, as" one of the politicians The most extreme extremist left of the country. "

The race in Georgia caught the eye among a list of top contributors, including Oprah Winfrey, who campaigned for Abrams the last week Abrams attempts to become the first female black governor of the country.

Trump said Winfrey was his friend until he ran for president, but he now urges Georgian voters to listen to his support instead of his.

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