Ortega forces besiege stronghold of opposition in Nicaragua


Forces loyal to Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega are organizing an organized attack on an opposition stronghold as international appeals multiply to end months of deadly violence in this Central American country.

The offensive on Masaya town of a bloody siege of student protesters hidden in a church in the capital Managua on weekends, suggesting Ortega intensified the use of deadly force to suffocate dissent. His government says it is leading a "liberation" of cities and towns where protesters have been active.

Police and masked paramilitary units that are home to badault rifles yesterday cordoned off all roads leading to the Monimbo City district, from which one could hear gunshots . Videos posted on social networks show rebels inside Monimbo, some with homemade mortars.

Vilma Nunez, director of the Nicaraguan Human Rights Center, said that at least two people had been killed: an adult woman and a police officer. State media confirmed the death of the police officer but did not give further damage to the badault.

A group of journalists, including AFP, who was trying to enter Monimbo to check the situation, were shot dead by pro-government gunmen.

More than 1,000 men firing automatic weapons entered the city of 100,000 on Tuesday, according to residents.

"They attack us from different points of entry to Monimbo", Cristian Fajardo, leader of a student movement "They attack Monimbo, bullets reach the parish church of Maria Magdalena, where the priest is at the shelter, "Archbishop Silvio Baez writes on Twitter

" Daniel Ortega stop the mbadacre The people of Monimbo I beg you, save yourself! "The United States has put Ortega warned against the continuation of Masaya's badault.He called for an end to the deadly crackdown on anti-government protests that have killed 280 people over the last three months.

"We urge President Ortega not to attack Masaya, "commented Francisco Palmieri, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs

" Violence and the Outpouring of continued by the Government in Nicaragua must stop immediately. – & # 39; Message of Terror & # 39; –

"They shoot at the houses in an irresponsible manner, the message is that anyone who goes away will be killed: it's a message of terror," said Alvaro Leiva, secretary of the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights (ANPDH). The operation follows a violent week in Nicaragua during which students and opposition groups calling for the ousting of Ortega were repeatedly attacked as part of 39, a generalized civil action.

Ten days ago, at least 14 people died – four policemen or paramilitaries after a raid by pro-government forces in the Diriamba and Jinotepe areas near Masaya.

Last week, five people – including four policemen – died in clashes between opposition supporters and police supported by paramilitaries in the south-east. The city of Morrito while another operation led by the Loyalists of Ortega ended with at least 10 dead – including four policemen – Sunday in Masaya.

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres yesterday called for the end of the violence and the resumption of hostilities. the dialogue blocked with the opposition. In Brussels, Paul Oquist, the Nicaraguan minister of national politics and one of the closest cabinet members of Ortega, said Tuesday in an interview with AFP that an attempt "coup d'etat" had been defeated

. what he leaves then, that is the dialogue, because the plotters did not want dialogue, "writes Oquist.

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