Over 40% of Indian MPs are prosecuted for murder and murder: study – World


Over 40% of New Indian Parliament MPs face criminal charges, some of which are as serious as murders and rapes, and the list goes on, said Saturday an electoral reform group .

A Member of Parliament for Opposition The Congress Party is fighting for 204 cases, including manslaughter and theft, said the Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR).

At least 233 of the 543 members appointed to the winning seats on Thursday are facing criminal charges, according to ADR, whose election president Anil Verma said there were a "worrying trend" in Parliament that "is bad for democracy".

The ADR stated that he had studied the records of 539 of the laureates and had found that the number of people subject to a criminal case was the highest since the beginning of studies. in 2004.

According to the report, 116 of the 30 deputies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have been brought to justice, including one for terrorism.

Twenty-nine of 52 Cong MPs face cases. Dean Kuriakose of Idukki, in the state of Kerala, faces 204 criminal cases

. According to ADR, the number of lawmakers facing serious criminal cases has more than doubled in a decade – including 11 murder cases, 30 counts of indictment and three accused of rape.

Indian laws prohibit persons from participating in an election if they have been convicted of crimes punishable by a term of imprisonment of two years or more, with few exceptions, depending on the crime committed.

Candidates who come to a position for the first time are allowed to have a conviction.

None of the 185 legislators of the previous legislature who were the subject of criminal proceedings was convicted.

Sadhvi Pragya Thakur, a newly elected nationalist Hindu nationalist non-nationalist, member of the newly elected BJP, faces a terrorism charge for the 2008 attack perpetrated by a mosque that killed six people . She denies the charges and claims to have been charged by a previous congressional government.

Parties often deny the charges against their candidates by saying that they were victims of political vendettas.
This year, the Indian Electoral Commission required candidates to publish detailed information on their criminal records during the election period.

ADR campaigns to empower Indian politics and asked the Supreme Court to file their candidates for educational, financial and criminal purposes.

Verma said the political clbad was trying to avoid reforms. But he added: "We will continue to legally fight this threat and demand from the courts that they prohibit candidates from facing criminal charges."

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