The late actor Kader Khan, former Indian cricketer Gautam Gambhir, leader of the Dalit theater movement Waman Kendre, scientist Nambi Narayan and lawyer HS Phoolka were among the winners named by the president on Friday. evening.
Former cricket player Gautam Gambhir is also among the Padma winners. (Image: PTI)
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Click here for the complete list of 2019 Padma Fellows.
One of the country's highest civilian honors, the Padma Awards are divided into three categories: Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri.
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Padma Vibhushan is rewarded for outstanding and distinguished service; & # 39; Padma Bhushan & # 39; for his distinguished high-level service and "Padma Shri" for his distinguished service in all fields.
Prizes are awarded in various disciplines such as art, social work, public affairs, science and engineering, commerce and industry, medicine, literature and art. education, sport and public service.
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