Partial Solar Eclipse 2018: Do's and Don'ts


New Delhi, July 12: There will be a partial opportunity to observe solar eclipses this month on July 13, after an already impressive series of celestial events.

When the sun, moon, and earth are almost, but not quite, aligned with each other, a partial eclipse takes place. As always, you have to look at the sun with proper eye protection, but be sure to have a glimpse.

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There are three phases during a partial solar eclipse: first, the moon begins to block the sun, then the maximum extent L & # 39 July partial solar eclipse will occur around 13:30 (Greenwich time), or around 9:30 for the east coast of the United States

.] This particular eclipse will be visible only for those of the southern region from Australia, but that does not mean that there will not be a lot of

What to do:

• Always use a solar filter of optical density five or more
• A welder's glbad of a value of at least 14 must be used
] • The use of a homemade pinhole is the safest way to watch an eclipse
• Use a special eclipse to look at the glbades, but do not forget that they should not be scratched
• In places where there will be a partial eclipse the sun directly

What not to do:

• Do not use ordinary sunglbades, smoked glbad, X-ray film, negative film to see the Eclipse
• Never watch the sun directly telephoto from a camera or through a telescope, it can burn eyes
• Take eclipse photos without using protective filters specials can burn eyes and damage the camera
• Never look at the reflection of an eclipse in the water, colored or not

Source: Ministry of Earth Science these

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