Pawan Kalyan's ex-wife, Renu Desai, reveals that the star of power has insisted on divorce despite his protests


<img clbad = "articleImg" src = "" alt = "The ex-wife of Pawan Kalyan , Renu Desai, reveals that the star of power has insisted on the divorce despite his protests "title =" The ex-wife of Pawan Kalyan, Renu Desai, reveals that the star insisted on divorce despite his protests.

The ex-wife of Pawan Kalyan, Renu Desai, has been in the news for a while and unfortunately not for a good reason. Since she's announced her wedding, Renu receives hate messages from female fans of Pawan Kalyan. The actress has even received the very death of her fans. Renu, who has so far avoided the limelight, finally talked about his previous marriage and said that it was Pawan, who had insisted on the divorce. She also interviewed all the female fans of Pawan, who abused her on social media and said, "I get hate messages from many female fans of Pawan Garu. I want to ask them only one question. How would you feel if Pawan was your husband and after 11 years of marriage, he becomes a father for another girl without telling you? "

Renu also said that she asked Pawan to issue a joint statement on the divorce." The hate messages from her fans, will stop coming to her but he rejected the request. "During our divorce, I asked Kalyan Garu to issue a public statement to clarify, but he did not oblige my application." ( See also: FIRST PICTURES The ex-wife of Pawan Kalyan, Renu Desai but keeps a big secret around the identity of his fiance )

After his engagement, the l & # Actress was brutally dragged by Pawan Kalyan fans. She expressed it as a tortuous experience and said in an interview, "Connecting to social media is a torture for me! Most of the time, my PR is shocked to see the kind of messages people post, but I will continue to I do not cheat or commit any crime, I only get married, people who post such messages are frustrated men in their professional and personal lives, and I'm worried about women in their But there are also good messages. "

About Pawan Kalyan, the actress is currently married to the Russian Anna Lezhneva

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