Payal Rohatgi and Gauahar Khan lock themselves after the Twitter scandal against Article 370


TV actresses Payal Rohatgi and Gauahar Khan had a horrible conversation about previous tweets about Article 370, which confers on Jammu and Kashmir the status of autonomous state. Their fight quickly escalated when Payal accused Gauahar of playing the victim card to win Bigg Boss. She also commented on Muslim women wearing "hijabs". After a series of tweets, Gauahar blocked Payal on Twitter.

The words of war between the two actresses began with Payal's tweet that said: "If Article 370 can not be removed, ask the Kashmiri Muslims to expel Kashmir. Kashmiris are starting to live in other cities in India Kashmir will still be part of India, whether there are Kashmiris or not, you throw the Pandits in the trash, now expel Muslims. "

withdrawn and then ask #KashmiriMulmims 2 to expel from Kashmir. The center should be in the area #Defence . Kashmiris begin to live in other cities. Kashmir will always be part of India, whether it has Kashmiris or not. U guys threw Pandits, now expel Muslims.

– PAYAL ROHATGI & Team (@Payal_Rohatgi) March 31, 2019

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To this, Gauahar replied: "Haha says a person who lives in a building where 90% of Muslims live! In a region where there is harmony between the Koli, Christian and Muslim population. I am proud that at least , the Muslims of your building tolerate a fanatic person like you. "

Unlike many other buildings that do not even rent to Muslims !! The spread of hatred is easy! Shame on such thoughts !! India is beautiful because of its diversity! Shame on whoever wants to divide!

– Gauahar Khan (@GAUAHAR_KHAN) March 31, 2019

In another tweet, Gauahar said the spread of hatred was easy and that India is beautiful because of its diversity . 19659008] Aussie muslim who played the card #feminist to win a reality show that was in an unsuccessful relationship with a Hindu guy, emerged. She knows the population of my building, so you should know that I own an apartment. U workout session in hijab? Because the Muslim women of my building do this

– PAYAL ROHATGI & Team (@Payal_Rohatgi) March 31, 2019

The war of the words s & # 39; is pursued between the two actresses. while Payal was commenting on Muslim women wearing "hijabs".

Calling the "hijab" to declare his dignity, Gauahar replied, "People like you scorn a woman wearing her hijab for exercise! That's what the real feminists are! build on each other! Not like people who choose to be kind to men and women according to their faith! I do not need to belittle you, the people of this world are smart. "[19659010] wear a hijab or not! If they work in a hijab, I'm proud that this is an example of being able to do anything you want! It is not frowned upon when a woman works in her sports bra, she should not have a small mind

– Gauahar Khan (@GAUAHAR_KHAN) March 31, 2019

Continue Payal's online fight wrote: "It's not Kashmir and certainly not 1990 where, in the name of forced conversion … you can kill Hindus." "Give your idiot Gushal fans your community bullshit. "

Muslim aunt I was talking about article 370 but ILLITERATE like U would not understand that. I have said #EVICT Kashmiri Muslims to other states of India because they are Indian citizens, but dyslexic people have difficulty understanding the & IC [194519451945194519451945194519451945&&EnglishHateisyourstrongpointrememberBB7https://tco/Uu2jiKIUKa

– PAYAL ROHATGI & Team (@Payal_Rohatgi) March 31, 2019

Finally, after a series of 39 exchanges, Gauahar blocked Payal on Twitter.

Payal then described their spitting man as a publicity stunt.

She then tagged the Mumbai police in a tweet and writes: "After marking my tweet to become known in her non-existent film career, this The Feminist Reality TV is blocking me." Mumbai Police, I'm warning you that this woman tried to claim my lynching because I suggested putting a brake on terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. "

advertising for herself in her non-existent film career, this TV show feminist reality is blocking me. @MumbaiPolice I draw your attention to the fact that this woman tried to call my lynching because I made a suggestion about the fight against terrorism at J & K

– PAYAL ROHATGI & Team (@Payal_Rohatgi) On March 31, 2019

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