People can come together to demonstrate points of view: UK on pro-Khalistan meeting


A day after India issued a request in the UK about an upcoming pro-Khalistan meeting in London, the British High Commission said people had the right to manifest their opinions, as long as they were in the law.

"In the United Kingdom, people have the right to bademble and express their opinions, provided they do so in accordance with the law, but we will not tolerate any group that spreads hate or hatred. is deliberately raising fears and tensions in the community, disorder and violence in our cities and towns.The police have wide powers to deal with such activities, "said a spokesman for the British High Commission.

Sikhs for Justice (SJF), a separatist Sikh organization, planned a campaign next month on the "Declaration of London on the 2020 referendum", seeking a separate state of Khalistan.

However, the spokesman of the Ministry of External Affairs (Raveesh) Kumar said Thursday that a move had been launched because the event is organized to spread hate.

"As for these small groups, I believe they are marginal elements and their job is to spread hatred and disharmony we said that it was an event to spread hatred and that they should not allow such events to have an impact on the bilateral relations between India and the United Kingdom, "he said at a conference of press.

noted that the majority of the Sikh community abroad had "good relations" with India

(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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