PewDiePie fan publishes PewCrypt ransomware to boost YouTube subscribers


  PewDiePie, pewdiepie vs t series, pewdiepie vs t series, series, vs pew series, t series vs pewdiepie, pewDiePie ransomware, pewCrypt, Emsisoft
PewCrypt is designed to prevent users from accessing their data. (Image de représentation)

PewDiePie, the famous Swedish Youtuber, is no stranger to controversy. This time he is in the news after a user, who claims to be his fan, has released a ransomware with a note that reads as follows: "Subscribe to PewDiePie".

According to The Independent the PewCrypt ransomware is designed to prevent users from accessing their data. The ransomware claims that users will not recover their data as long as PewDiePie will not have 100 million subscribers on YouTube.

"If T-Series beats PewDiePie, the private key will be deleted and your files will disappear forever!", Says the report. appears on the ransomware.

During ransomware attacks, hackers manage to install a virus on target computers by sending infected links or attachments. Once a target has clicked on the link or downloaded the attachment, the virus encrypts the data and asks for the money to provide the encryption key.

However, in this case, the developer designed the ransomware exclusively to generate more subscribers for PewDiePie's YouTube channel.

"Initially, the creator stated in the ransom note that the decryption would not be released unless PewDiePie reached 100 million subscribers, which means that if that did not happen, people would n & # 39; They would have no way of deciphering their data, "says the report quoting Michael Gillespie, a researcher at Emsisoft's cybersecurity company.

Emsisoft has developed and released a decryption tool for PewCrypt that allows affected users to regain control of all compromised data.

On Google Chromecast devices, ask users to subscribe to PewDiePie

Regarding the PewDiePie bit, the YouTuber is currently stuck in a battle against it. India Move the T series to the subscriber base. The T series has more than 91.9 million subscribers, while PewDiePie is behind with more than 91.8 million subscribers. Her fans posted posts asking users to subscribe to the channel so that she could beat the T series.

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