PewDiePie takes the lead on YouTube after a racist speech against India and the T series


A day after the release of the racist T-Series song on YouTube, PewDiePie bounced back to the top. At the time of writing, Swedish player Felix Kjellberg's channel had 148,642 more subscribers than the label.

Pewds released Monday a video titled "Congratulations" in which he attacks the Indian caste system and accuses T-Series and its president. Bhushan Kumar of hacking songs and "supposedly huge tax evasion".

"India has discovered YouTube. He adds adding a racist statement: "The Indians are pooping in their brains.

Immediately after taking the lead, PewDiePie tweeted "big lol" with a screenshot of the number of subscribers.

big lol

– ძɿ9 ƿɿ9 (@pewdiepie) April 1, 2019

A day before, PewDiePie had released another video "We have lost. (Not happy), "where he conceded his defeat against T-Series on Sunday.

"Let's be realistic here, the T series has already gone in. Let's acknowledge the situation, it's over, okay … we'll never reach 100," noted PewDiePie.

While the T-series had outpaced PewDiePie a few times in the past, it had taken a decisive lead earlier this month. Led by Bhushan Kumar, the T series had only 30 million subscribers in early 2018 and soared to more than 70 million in a short time. The meteoric rise was propelled by the introduction of new changes in Indian mobile and data services.

T-Series, a production and popular music house in India since the 1980s, has 29 TV channels in several Indian languages. It hosts some of the greatest Indian artists, attracting millions of views.

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