PM Modi talks about trade at the top of the BRICS and meets Xi on the sidelines | News from India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi reaffirmed Thursday India's commitment to multilateralism, international trade and a rule-based world order, participating in the BRICS summit (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa).

Modi, who arrived in Johannesburg during the last leg of his tour in Africa, introduced India's statement at the closed-door session of the BRICS leadership.

"In the session with the other BRICS leaders, I shared my thoughts on various global issues, the importance of technology, the development of skills and how effective multilateral cooperation creates a better world. "tweeted Modi. Xi Jinping, who has already urged other leaders of the emerging economies of the BRICS to "reject outright protectionism."

Modi along with Xi, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Brazilian President Michel Temer and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa posed for a group photo on the second day of their meeting. The leaders reiterated their determination to fight terrorism, but the names of terrorist organizations, including those based in Pakistan, were missing from the joint statement.

Xiamen's statement of the last BRICS summit, which was celebrated last year diplomacy, had named Pakistan-based terrorist groups, such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed.

"We condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations wherever it is committed and by anyone We urge concerted efforts to fight terrorism under the auspices of the UN on an international legal basis Strongly and express our belief that a comprehensive approach is needed to ensure an effective fight against terrorism, "said the joint statement. "We recall the responsibility of all states to prevent the funding of terrorist networks and terrorist actions on their territory."

In his address, Prime Minister Modi said that India wanted to work with countries on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) to share among themselves the best practices and policies in the field. The 4IR is the fourth great industrial era since the industrial revolution of the 18th century. Modi said that technological innovations can help improve service delivery and productivity levels. "Highly qualified but temporary work will be the new face of employment." In his speech, Xi called for a concerted effort on the part of global institutions such as the United Nations, the G7 and the United Nations. "World Trade Organization to fight against unilateralism," he added, and protectionism

Xi also called for dialogue to settle disputes over world trade, highlighting the remarks that he made on the opening day, advocating a rejection of unilateralism following the tariff threats of US President Donald Trump.Trump warnings gave the BRICS countries a new impetus to strengthen trade cooperation, and their leaders have found a collective voice to defend world trade at the top.

[Avec les contributions des agences]

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