PML-N chief Shehbaz Sharif vows to make Pakistan better than India


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Shehbaz Sharif said he would make Pakistan better than its arch-rival India after coming into power, according to a media report today.

Addressing a rally in Sargodha district of his stronghold of Punjab yesterday, Sharif said that he is not taking over Pakistan, the Express Tribune reported.

"They (Indians) will come to Wahga Border and call Pakistanis their master," 65-year-old Sharif was quoted as saying by the paper.

The Punjab Chief Minister said that he would bring Pakistan at with Malaysia and Turkey. He added that he would visit Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan "to learn from and make Pakistan a great nation again".

He said that Pakistan can not become a great nation by voting leaders like Imran Khan who have made false promises to "our nation".

"The U-turn signs should be removed from the roads of Imran Khan," he said, adding that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's chief policy is based on allegations and false promises.

"Khan alleged corruption against the Punjab government not a single penny has been proved against me," the PML-N president said.

He said his elder brother Nawaz Sharif came back to Pakistan leaving his ailing wife in London but Sharif and his daughter Maryam Nawaz were arrested at the airport.

"Nawaz Sharif was not even allowed to meet his mother," he added.

Both Sharif and Maryam have been sentenced to a prison sentence, respectively, for corruption charges. Maryam's husband Muhammad Safdar was jailed for one year.

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