Pollution damages insects, ecosystem: study


Last updated:
Nov 10, 2018 21:21 IST

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– Rajat Sharma


Washington DC [USA] Nov. 10 (ANI): According to a recent study, heavy pollution in cities seriously damages insects and the ecosystem.
Research has shown that plants exposed to high concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), similar to levels in large urban centers, are better able to defend against herbivorous insects.
Published in the journal Nature Communications, the study found that plants exposed to increased pollution produce more defensive chemicals in their leaves.
The results of the study show that the insects feeding on these leaves have grown poorly, suggesting that high levels of air pollution could have negative effects in cascading communities. herbivorous creatures.
Stuart Campbell, lead author of the study, said, "Nitrogen dioxide is a pollutant that causes serious health problems in humans, but our research has shown that ## 147 ## It can also have a big impact on plants and insects – a crucial part of the nature and the world we live in. Insects are essential for the proper functioning of ecosystems. "
" Many people know perhaps pollinating insects, such as the thousands of bee species, as well as flies, butterflies and butterflies are essential to food production – but they also ensure the long-term survival of Wild flowers, shrubs and trees, "added Campbell.
Campbell also explained that insects that feed on plants (herbivorous insects) help return plant nutrients to the soil, and are themselves food for wild birds, reptiles, mammals, and more. other insects. Insects are also extremely important for the decomposition of decaying organic matter and the maintenance of healthy soils. Scientists warn of the mbadive decline in the number of insects, which should be extremely alarming for anyone who appreciates nature and our food sources.
"Nitrogen dioxide is a major component of smog and an example of pollution caused by human activity Our level of pollution in the atmosphere remains particularly high in cities, and particularly in the United Kingdom "Our research shows another example of the dangers of pollution in our environment and why we need to create a united climate to tackle it," said Campbell. (ANI)

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