Prepare to "fold back" by checking for carbon monoxide detectors


Well-maintained household heaters and carbon monoxide detectors save lives

Courtesy of Oneida County Department of Health

As we move back the clocks on the 4th November and as temperatures continue to drop, the Oneida County Health Department wishes to remind residents to take steps to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

"We are seeing more and more carbon monoxide poisoning as the temperature drops," said Rebecca Lohagen, Public Health Nurse and Planning Coordinator at Oneida County Department of Health. . "The time has come for people in Oneida County to make sure their heating sources and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly."

On average, carbon monoxide poisoning sends about 500 Wisconsinites to emergencies each year, according to data from the Wisconsin Environmental Public Health Monitoring Program. It is possible to avoid preparing people who have gone to the emergency room for carbon monoxide poisoning.

To protect yourself and your family from carbon monoxide, follow these safety guidelines:

• Make sure you have carbon monoxide detectors in working order. All homes and duplexes in Wisconsin must have detectors on all levels, including the basement, but not the attic or storage areas. Detectors can be purchased at most hardware stores for $ 20 to $ 50. Daylight saving time is a good time each year to replace the batteries in your detector and press the "Test" button to check that it is working properly. Replace your detector every five years or as directed by the manufacturer.

• Have your furnace or wood stove inspected each year. Hire a professional to make sure that it is working properly and that it is properly ventilated outside the home.

• Never operate a gasoline or propane heater or grill (gas or charcoal) inside your home or garage. . Any heating system that burns fuel produces carbon monoxide. Use a battery-powered detector when you have fuel appliances but no electrical outlets, such as in tents, cabins and recreational vehicles.

• Generating sets must operate within a safe distance (at least 20 feet) from the house . Never operate a generator in the house or garage, or next to windows or doors.

• Never operate a car in a confined space. Even with a door or an open window, carbon monoxide levels can still reach an unhealthy level.

At high levels, carbon monoxide can kill in minutes. Symptoms of overexposure to carbon monoxide include headache, fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, and confusion. If you think you may be carbon monoxide poisoned or your alarm sounds an alarm, go out immediately for air and dial 911.

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