Prime Minister Modi attacks Congress against terrorism, naxalism and development on Rajasthan's campaign trail


Congress was in power when the Mumbai attacks took place, but questioned the BJP government's surgical strikes in Pakistan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told reporters on Monday. the issues of terrorism and naxalism.

The Prime Minister was talking about an election rally on the tenth anniversary of the terrorist strike of 26/11, when 10 Pakistani terrorists broke into Mumbai, killing 166 people in 60 hours. He also spoke at rallies in Kota and Beneshwar Dham.

He also spoke about the development work done by the BJP and even a month would not be enough to report on the work done by BJP governments at the Center and in the state.

"I will never forget the 26/11"

In an attack on the former congress president and president of the UPA, Sonia Gandhi, he said that New Delhi, during the attacks of 26/11, was governed by a remotely controlled "remote control".

"I remember the slightest criticism of the attacks used to lift the ruling party," Modi said at the rally organized in this textile city, in anticipation of the state elections on Dec. 7 .

Congress, he added, taught the lesson of patriotism. But when the military proceeded to a surgical strike while crossing the border, the party interrogated her and asked for video evidence.

Soldiers have their lives in their hands and not a camera, said Modi.

India, he said, will never forget the terrorist attack of 26/11 nor its perpetrators.

"Justice will surely be done, I want to insure the country," he added while expressing his solidarity with the families of those who lost their lives. "A grateful nation pays tribute to our police and brave security forces who fought the terrorists in the Mumbai attacks," said Modi.

The prime minister said his government had responded to terrorists and Naxals in their own language. [19659002] Asserting that terrorist strikes had decreased under the BJP regime, Modi said terrorists were now struggling to get out of Kashmir. There is terrorism on one side and Maoism and naxalism on the other. They give arms to children and kill innocent people, but congressional leaders and close badociates of "naamdaar" call the Naxals revolutionaries and give them certificates, he said.

"The BJP stopped the loot"

At a rally In Kota, Prime Minister Modi, the BJP, had ended the "looting" done under the regime of Congress and "the seated at the CA offices in New Delhi "were trying to devise strategies to overthrow the party.

It does not allow to enthrone a political party or an individual, but gives the power to change the country and shape the future. Modi said that people sitting in AC premises in New Delhi were trying to devise strategies to chase the BJP out of power, but that they should come to Kota city in Rajasthan to see the situation on the ground instead.

He claimed that an army of thieves had siphoned the city. 90,000 crores will claim subsidies for pensions, scholarships and LPG by falsifying information in government records, but a vote in the BJP government at the Center put an end to the situation of doubtful beneficiaries.

"A robbery of 90,000 crores of rupees was stopped, the broadband network reached 1 lakh village, a 2.5 to 3 km lakh fiber optic line was installed, 12 crore LPG connections were completed in four years by the BJP government at the Center.

"Your unique vote has allowed the country to move quickly. It has the power to change the country and shape its future, "said Modi.

He alleged that while he was in power, Congress continued to devise new ways to loot money.

"We stopped the work of the looters, who embezzled money, with your only vote that formed the BJP government. These people criticize Modi today, "he said.

The prime minister urged the people to vote for the BJP in Rajasthan in order to maintain the speed of development.


M. Modi also attacked Congress for his alleged casteist remarks and said that issues concerning the population not disturb the holiday. "As the elections approach, Congress is asking for my caste and is curious to know my father," he said.

When the Indian Prime Minister travels to America and meets with the president, he talks about welfare, Modi said.

"Does the president ask him for his caste before any discussion? The Prime Minister represents the caste of 125 Indian Crores, he said.

Modi also stated that he was only a workaholic. "I am a workaholic (kaamdaar) who has behind him 125 people from the country … Have you ever heard that I was taking a vacation? Have you ever heard that I went somewhere for hobbies or that I was missing for a week? I report on every decision I make and the work I do, "he said.

Braving the threats, residents of Jammu and Chhattisgarh went to the polls to vote in considerable numbers, the remaining percentage of votes being between 70 and 75%, added Mr. Modi.

As residents of Chhattisgarh voted for a new badembly earlier this month, panchayat elections were held in Jammu and Kashmir.

On the occasion of Constitution Day on Monday, Mr. Modi recalled the remarkable contribution of B.R. Ambedkar. We are proud of our Constitution and reiterate our commitment to upholding the values ​​therein, he said.

The work of the BJP

M. Modi said that even a month would not be enough to account for the work done by the BJP governments in the center and in the state. Before the BJP came to power in 2014, even 40 percent of the villages did not have toilets, he said. However, in four years, 95% of villages have toilets, he said.

"This is called work … They will not report on the work done, but will continue to ask questions about caste," he said.

In 2014, only 50% of the country's residents had bank accounts and 55% of LPG connections in 2014. Now every India has a bank account and 90% of families have a connection to LPG. did he declare.

The Prime Minister also spoke about the development work being carried out by Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje.

He stated that 36,000 km of new roads had been built in the last five years and that 50 young Lakh entrepreneurs in Rajasthan had received loans under the Mudra program.

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