Prime Minister Modi invited to Pakistan for the SAARC summit, said spokesman of the Pak Foreign Office


Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be invited to the summit of the South Asian Regional Cooperation Association (SAARC), said the spokesman of the Pakistani Foreign Ministry, Mohammad Faisal, cited by Dawn newspaper Tuesday

. The summit was to be held in Islamabad. But after the terrorist attack against an Indian army camp at Uri in Jammu and Kashmir in September of the same year, India declared itself unable to participate in the summit due to "prevailing circumstances".

The summit was convened after Bangladesh, Bhutan and Afghanistan also refused to participate in the competition. The Maldives and Sri Lanka are the seventh and eighth members of the initiative

. Faisal recalled that Prime Minister Imran Khan had declared in his victory speech that if India took a step forward, Pakistan would do two.

He stated that Mr. Khan, in a letter to his Indian counterpart, had expressed Opening Pakistan to resolve all outstanding issues through dialogue with India.

"We fought a war with India, relations can not be settled quickly," said Faisal.

SAARC Summits are usually held every two years by a Member State in alphabetical order. The Member State hosting the Summit shall badume the presidency of the Association. The last ASACR summit in 2014 was held in Kathmandu, in the presence of Mr. Modi.

Kartarpur Corridor

Faisal also stated that the Kartarpur Corridor that will facilitate the visa-free travel of Indian Sikh pilgrims to Gurdara Darbar Sahib in Kartarpur, is expected to be completed by six month.

Kartarpur Sahib in Pakistan is located on the other side of the Ravi River, about four kilometers from the Dera Baba Nanak shrine, in the Gurdaspur district of Punjab. It was created by the Sikh Guru in 1522. The first Gurdara, Gurdara Kartarpur Sahib, was built here, where Guru Nanak Dev would have died.

India and Pakistan have decided to build a corridor connecting Dera Baba Nanak. in Gurdaspur district in Punjab with Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Kartarpur, Pakistan.

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