Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Set a Guinness World Record by Hitting the Fastest of 1,000 Million Adept on Instagram


A day after their debut on Instagram, Guinness World Records stated that the new Instagram account opened by Prince Harry and his wife Meghan was the fastest to win a million subscribers.

  Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Make the Guinness world record by hitting the fastest 1,000 million subscribers on Instagram
The Duke and Duchess of Susbad, Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle , launched on Tuesday their own official Instagram account, which they called @susbadroyal account.

This is the last step in creating their own household before the birth of their first child this spring, it seems like no one can compete with the charm of a young royal couple, not even movie celebrities or idols of pop.

A day after their debut on Instagram, Guinness World Records said the new Instagram account opened by Prince Harry and his wife Meghan is the fastest ever registered with 1 million followers. The account was attended by more than one million users in less than six hours, easily beating a record held by the sensational Korean pop Kang Daniel.
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At the time of writing this article, the number of subscribers reached 3.2 million.
Previously, the couple shared photos on the Kensington Palace managed account, which included photos of the activities of Harry's eldest prince, Harry, and his family. A succession to the west of the capital, the Duke and Duchess of Susbad, as officially called Harry and Meghan, would hire a brand new communications staff.

"Welcome to our official Instagram; we look forward to sharing the work that motivates us, the causes we support, the important announcements and the opportunity to highlight key issues, "said the royal couple in his first message.

Health area.

See this article on Instagram

The Duke of Susbad met today with families, children and young adults at @Ymcaenglandandwales in South Ealing, as a continuation of his dedicated work in the field of Mental Health. "We continue to make tremendous progress in reducing the stigma surrounding mental health, but continue to normalize the conversation. Let's continue to remember that there is no harm in not escaping and listening. After all, our way of thinking determines how we act, feel and treat ourselves and those around us. – The Duke of Susbad It takes courage, strength and honesty, but it is often essential to talk about your mental health issues. to deal with them. Just like physical exercise, which we all know to be good for us; we must take care of our mind as much as of our body. One in four people will suffer from a mental health problem at some point in their life. It's a part of us all. Have a shameless conversation about how you feel, be allowed to share your story and you will see that you are not alone. For more information, visit @heads_together. OyRoyal Communications / PA

A post shared by the Duke and Duchess of Susbad (@susbadroyal) on

Apparently, the interest aroused by the story was probably aroused the fact that Meghan should give birth in late April or early May

(with the participation of the organizations)

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