Priyanka Chopra: It bothers me to see how Nick has not been corrupted and is so focused on the family


Actress Priyanka Chopra revealed that her mother Madhu Chopra was not happy with the idea of ​​receiving only 200 guests at her wedding with American singer Nick Jonas. The actor, at an appearance at the Ellen DeGeneres Show, said that it was unusual for an Indian wedding to have such a short list of guests and that his mother had a lot of fun. wrong to not invite the people that she knew.

DeGeneres said that it seemed like the marriage lasted forever. "It was just three days! An Indian ceremony and a Western Christian ceremony and a day of preritites – as at the Hindu wedding. But it was not, as … as usual, Indian weddings gather at least a thousand people. Chopra told DeGeneres

"For an Indian family and an Indian wedding, [it was small] we had only 200, mostly family members, because we both had a gigantic family. My mother was so mad at me all the time. She said, "I have to organize another wedding for the other 150,000 people I know! How can I not invite my jeweler? How not to invite my hairdresser? So it was an entire conversation, "joked the 36-year-old actor.
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DeGeneres, 61, teased the actor for not having invited her to her wedding in December, while she was once Nick's owner. Chopra replied, "We were so offended that you did not even respond to our invitation. It's so true! I thought, "We are not good enough for Ellen? She would not come to India? She does not even answer anymore? Nick, you have such a good relationship with her … "Honestly, I was very offended for him. But I am only the woman. I do not know anything … "

The actor said that she and Jonas, 26, did not know much about their careers when they started dating. "We've shown our work since we were younger – embarrbading things like horrible things. It was great. That's how we learned about each other's careers, "she said.

Welling up about her husband, Chopra said she was surprised to find that he was so focused on his family. "It shocked me to see how he was not corrupted. We know you've been in entertainment for so long … He's so family oriented that he talks about his parents. And he's just kind and kind, "she added.

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