Priyanka Chopra reveals her intimate marriage with Nick Jonas upset by Madhu's mother


Priyanka Chopra revealed that her intimate marriage with Nick Jonas had made her mother Madhu Chopra very upset. Priyanka and Nick tied the knot on 1 and 2 December in Jodhpur in the presence of family members and close friends.

  Priyanka Chopra revealed that her intimate marriage with Nick Jonas had upset her mother. "title =" Priyanka Chopra revealed that her intimate marriage with Nick Jonas had upset her mother. "src =" "itemprop =" contentUrl "/> <meta itemprop=

Prayer revealed that his intimate marriage with Nick Jonas upset his mother.

The dream wedding of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas at Umaid Bhawan in Jodhpur was among the most discussed weddings of 2018. Two wedding ceremonies at three receptions in India Whether in the breathtaking photos or in the adorable videos or in the scenes inside, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were the favorite subjects of the royal wedding.

And nothing n? changed after two months After a honeymoon at the beach and their fourth reception in the United States, Priyanka made her appearance at the Ellen Degeneres Show and spoke about her "intimate" wedding.

Priyanka and Nick Maintained their marriage as an intimate bond with the only family and friends Many of the ceremonies they had, Priya Nka said, "It was a three-day wedding. An Indian ceremony, a Christian ceremony and a day of pre-rituals in Hindu marriage. "

The Baywatch actress adds," Generally, Indian weddings have a thousand people, we only have 200, mostly family. We both have giant families. "She said that they had not invited too many guests because they wanted to keep the secret of their relationship." We wanted to keep it for the family, "added Priyanka.

Later, the 36- A one-year-old actress revealed that her marriage had made her mother very upset because she could not invite any the world at his daughter's wedding. "My mother was so angry with me all the time. She was as if I needed another party for the 150,000 people I know. How not to invite my jeweler, how not to invite my hairdresser? It was the conversation, "said Priyanka.

Priyanka and Nick united the knots on December 1 and 2 in Jodhpur." Currently, the newlyweds have returned to the United States after their long vacation. [19659005] On the frontline of work, Priyanka will soon Resume shooting Shonali Bose's The Sky Is Pink

Also read: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have relations because of this Hollywood actor

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are harnessed to Jodhpur

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