Pro / Con: Should the US government invest more in space exploration? | New


For centuries, people have been watching the night sky, watching the stars and wondering what lies beyond our planet. About 400 years ago, Galileo Galilei looked through his telescope and discovered – his feet firmly rooted on Earth – the moons of Jupiter.

Just 49 years ago, the first humans were launched into space and walked on the moon. , a mission that has not only sparked modern science and technology, but also the motivation to go further in the infinite.

Dave Bloomberg, 69, a member of the Crossroads Astronomy Club Club, said he remembered watching Disney TV programs on the space. [19659003] "They were thinking of taking a trip to the moon, which aroused a lot of interest at the time and arouses a lot of interest," he said.

However, some critics claim to be investing more in space exploration, the border is useless and can wait.Even Pentagon chief Jim Mattis has initially rejected the idea of ​​creating a space force The creation of this branch of the army would cost the country billions of dollars.

In striving to do more to discover and defend the last frontier, we ask ourselves the following question: Should the US Government Invest More in Space Exploration?

Amber Aldaco reports: Regional Counties for the Victoria Advocate You can reach her at [email protected] or 361-580-6303. [19659007] / * [ad_2]
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