Protect, strengthen the Constitution, a shared enterprise: President


President Ram Nath Kovind said Monday that safeguarding and strengthening the Constitution was a shared responsibility of the judiciary, the executive and the legislature, in partnership with the Indian people.

Speaking about a function marking Constitution Day, he touched on social justice, technology and the clogging of leaking funds by linking Aadhaar to setting up programs social protection. He also expressed his concern at the disturbances in Parliament, describing them as regrettable.

"Mr. Ambedkar and his colleagues in the Constituent Assembly have shown tremendous generosity, they have allowed the flexibility to amend the Constitution and have adapted to the various currents. of thought.

"They have relied on the widening of the wisdom of future generations the frontiers of freedom and freedom, justice and fraternity, equity and freedom. # 39; equality. They trusted future generations not only to change the Constitution, but also to reinvent and reinterpret it in a constructive way, "he said.

The Constitution is the modern writing of the Constitution. Independent India and constitutes more than a simple set of articles and clauses.

"For us, Indians, it is an inspiring and living document, an ideal of society that we are and of the society still better than we aspire to be, "he said.

The President stated that the Indian people were the" ultimate guardian "of the Constitution and it is in them that the Sovereignty is acquired and it is in their name that the Constitution was adopted.

"The Constitution empowers the citizen, but the citizen also empowers the Constitution – respecting it, adhering to it, protecting it, and persevering to make it more meaningful with words and deeds. is reserved for anyone – and everyone, "he said.

He said that the most moving word in the Constitution is perhaps "justice" and that it should also be viewed in a broader context, in terms of the evolution of society. and its evolution of beliefs, lifestyles and technologies.

"Justice is a unique word," justice "is a complex and liberating expression, and" justice "is both the means and the goal of our constitutional process and nation-building" , did he declare.

Stressing that "social justice is the touchstone of our development," the president said that social justice is all about providing equal opportunities – social, economic, and political.

He stated that technology improves justice and challenges it, suggesting that technological justice is a subset of economic justice.

the context of access to technology for our poorer and less fortunate citizens, "he said, adding that innovation had also benefited the underprivileged sections of society.

Innovation and technology have brought benefits, but also raised issues of access and privacy.

Describing "interruptions" in parliamentary proceedings as "regrettable," he said that some people had suggested that

The decision of Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi to translate the judgments of the highest court in Hindi was pbaded, and then gradually moved to a different level. other languages.

Judge Gogoi stated that "the Constitution is the voice of the marginalized", as well as the caution of the majority. "His wisdom continues to guide us in times of crisis. t of stability. It is in our interest to follow his advice. If we do not, our pride will lead to a brutal descent into chaos. "

be an integral part of people's lives," said the CJI, "this is not an exaggeration; examine the astonishing variety of issues heard by the courts each day. "

Justice Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said that the contours of constitutional morality must be defined with greater clarity so that its applications have common points that vary from one judge to the other.

The Minister of Law said that there should be a consensus in the application of constitutional morality.


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