France allowed Croatia to impose 4-2 in the final of the World Cup to send the underdogs home and offer the French their second championship title. history.

A member of Pussy Riot defeated Frenchman Kylian Mbappe on the field in the World Cup final at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow. (Photo: Adrian Dennis, AFP / Getty Images)

Kylian Mbappe of France had a busy evening in Russia.

He became the second teenager to score a goal in a World Cup final, to win the World Cup, donated his salary for the 2018 FIFA World Cup to a charitable. But much of Mbappe's social media attention won on Sunday was entirely about different actions on the ground.

During the 52nd minute of the match, three women and a man ran on the field dressed in police uniforms. 1 France at the time) to an overwhelming pause. Although the Fox Sports television network quickly changed camera, a photo was subsequently posted on social networks of Mbappe, one of the women who was later identified as a member of the punk feminist protest group Russian rock Pussy Riot. .

The picture served as a reminder of the seemingly inextricable link between politics and pitch last month in Russia. A Twitter user called the photo of Mbappe and the protester "the most emblematic image of the World Cup".

Pussy Riot issued a statement shortly after the incident on Facebook explaining that his invasion of the field was in protest against the actions of Russian police, such as "illegal arrests on gatherings" and "making criminal charges" to keep people in jail "for no reason".

NEW FLASH! A few minutes ago, four members of Pussy Riot played in the final match of the FIFA World Cup – "Policeman enters the game" / W8Up9TTKMA

– ????? ???? (@badrrriot) July 15, 2018

The statement also lamented that the Russian security forces did not respect "the image of A policeman, carrier of the celestial nation ", according to the late Russian poet Dmitriy Prigov.

"The FIFA World Cup has reminded us of the possibilities of the heavenly policeman in the Greater Russia of the future, but the earthly policeman, entering the ruthless game, breaks our world," the statement said.

Despite the seemingly positive interaction of Mbappe with protester Pussy Riot, other players like Croatian defender Dejan Lovren were not as happy.

"I was really angry because we were playing at that time in good shape," Lovren said. Associa Press . "We had good football, then an interruption came, I just lost my head and I caught the guy and I wanted to throw him away from the stadium."

Pussy Riot, who often puts on brightly colored hoods Some of his members have served prison sentences for playing songs criticizing Vladimir Putin, then were arrested and interrogated by Russian police

The group was charged with "violation of spectator rights and illegal carriage of the law". According to the Interfax and AP news agency, fines of up to 11,500 rubles ($ 185) or 160 hours of community service are planned.

So much for the tolerant atmosphere of the World Cup. Excerpt from video of police interrogation of @gruppa_voina after the final protest of @badrrriot a cop says: "You shit all over Russia, yes ?! It is a pity that it is not 1937 anymore! "

– max seddon (@maxseddon) July 15, 2018

A video of the Russian interrogation showed a member Pussy Riot, identified as Piotr Verzilov by the independent TV channel Dozhd, telling the police: "I'm for Russia, just like you – if you're for Russia".

A man who is not in the camera said that he sometimes wished it to be 1937.


Очень смешной допрос Пусси Райот после их забега по полю

– ОБОСРАЛИ РОССИЮ, ДА?! Иногда жалею, что у нас не 37ой год …

Всё-таки жаль, что после чемпионата мира уезжают болельщики, а не менты [19659013] – Здесь Шепелин (@ilya_shepelin) 15 July 2018

The man could have referred to the Great Purge of Josef Stalin, who imprisoned and mbadacred millions of Russians whom the government of Stalin considered "enemies of the state ".

This World Cup has hardly escaped political demonstration and controversy. The protesters even included the players themselves, such as World Cup vice-champion Domagoj Vida, who suggested solidarity with the Ukrainian ultranationalists after Croatia's victory over Russia. Even the accusations of cheating in the ranks of Russia surfaced when the host country demonstrated amazing feats during the tournament

FIFA did not respond to the AP for comment.


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