Rahat Fateh Ali Khan denies receiving notice from Indian authorities


ISLAMABAD: Pakistani singer Rahat Fateh Ali Khan denied on Wednesday that he had received a proof of guilt issued by the Indian government in a case involving an alleged violation of foreign currencies in the amount of 20 million rupees.

The Indian Law Enforcement Branch opened an investigation against Khan and his badociates in 2014 after the Tax Intelligence Directorate intercepted the singer and his director, Marrouf Ali Khan, at the time. Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, in 2011, carrying $ 124,000 and other foreign exchange instruments.

Citing officials, Indian media reported on Wednesday that Khan had to respond within 45 days to the notification, which had been issued under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), to the following the investigation.

Rahat's director, Aamir Hasan, however, stated that he "did not have any information about it.

The singer's office also issued a statement in which he stated: "Interestingly, our lawyers in India are also known to the relevant authorities and, to date, they have not received any notice either."

"It would have been better if the authorities had first served the notification, if any, and then made it public. We will take care of it if and when we receive notices. Our law firm in Delhi will look into this issue if there is notice, "the statement said.

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