Rakul Preet smokes in Manmadhudu 2. Trolls attack Chinmayi and her husband, Rahul Ravindran


After Chi La Sow, the director Rahul Ravindran is back with his second participation in the realization, Manmadhudu 2, with Nagarjuna and Rakul Preet. On July 9th, the creators unveiled a new teaser to introduce Rakul's character Avantika, who went viral on social media for good or bad reasons.

While a part of the population liked the creators for having dedicated a teaser to a heroine, others offusque of a scene in which one sees Rakul Preet in the process of to smoke a cigarette. Trolls descended on the Twitter timelines of Rahul Ravindran and his wife Chinmayi Sripaada about their "double standards".

Chinmayi has been abused for several years now. A few days ago, she criticized the unpleasant remarks of Kabir Singh's director, Sandeep Reddy Vanga, about love and its physical manifestation. She wrote, "If a man has deep ties to you, he will never put his hand on you, he will never slap you, he will never touch you without your consent." Women (and boys) have been told since. chandeliers being beaten is a sign of love * / * Discipline * THIS IS ABUSE! (sic) "

And when she shared the teaser of Manmadhudu 2, the trolls were more concerned by the smoking scene starring Rakul Preet. Many critics have questioned the intention of Chinmayi and her husband Rahul to incorporate the scene into the film. The Trolls also criticized them for glorifying smoking.

However, Rahul and Chinmayi do not remain indifferent to this criticism. When they released the teaser of Manmadhudu 2 a few weeks ago, many criticized Rahul for writing a story in which the protagonist has multiple relationships. At the time, the director asked everyone to judge the film after viewing it in theaters.

Here are some of the comments:

oh my god !!! if girls see rakul smoking like this, all girls in the country will also be smoked. Disturbing deeply

vinayben (@ vinayben1) July 9, 2019

The shooting deeply disturbs Akka pic.twitter.com/GqMMeo4NlV

pyco y (@ImmuTweetz), 2019 [19659010] pic.twitter.com/YCz6UfFy7W

Im Samba (@im_samba) July 10, 2019

It's like a real high-clbad movie with a vulgar comedy

estmart SEKAR (@ rajsekhar031) July 10, 2019

Deeply disturbing … 28 years old with 60 years …

Hima (@ hima25808) July 10, 2019

Manmadhudu 2 is about to touch the spirits movie theaters on August 9th. Post-production work is progressing at a steady pace. The film is a sequel to the super adventure of the same name.

ALSO SEE | Manmadhudu 2 new teaser: Rakul Preet as Avantika is free of spirit, fun and bady

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