Ranveer Singh on the return of Abhinandan Varthaman: rejoice, but do not forget Pulwama | Bollywood


The actor Ranveer Singh said that the return to India of the squadron commander of the squadron of Indian air force pilots captured, after two days spent in Pakistan, was a moment of rejoicing. But he urged the public not to forget the Pulwama attack, which claimed the lives of 40 CRPF soldiers.

Speaking at the India Today Conclave, Ranveer said his latest film, Gully Boy, had been released the same day as the attack on Feb. 14. "Gully Boy was released the same day as the Pulwama attack. The answer to Gully Boy was staggering and overwhelming. I should have been at the top of the world. But I was actually in landfills. I was disillusioned. I was frustrated and angry, "he said.

Ranveer indicated that he was troubled by the pilot's videos that had circulated on social media and showed him identifying, blindfolded and bloodied, while he was being questioned by the authorities. "We are looking forward today. I am very happy, I am delighted. I was quite disturbed to see the pictures that came out. In fact, it's been a while since I've been disturbed, "he said.

Abhinandan was released by Pakistan as a" peace gesture "through the Wagah-joint checkpoint. Attari Friday, two days after his capture at the Line Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan announced on Thursday that Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman would be released on Friday after New Delhi demanded his unconditional, immediate and unconditional release. pity, signaling escalation in rising tension in New Delhi.

Wing Commander Abhinandan was brought to Rawalpindi by the Pakistani authorities in Lahore and handed over to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), in accordance with the rules of the Geneva Convention, check post to return home.

Ranveer continued: "You do not know what to make of your feelings as a layman. 39, act is simple I feed noisily news. I want to get more and more information. It's a funky time. It's a good day, but let's not forget what happened very recently. "

Welcome home, Abhinandan! वीरता सर आँखों पर! Inspiration for our entire nation. Jai Hind ??✊

– Ranveer Singh (@RanveerOfficial) On March 1, 2019

The actor tweeted earlier in the day: "Welcome home, Abhinandan! Inspiration for our entire nation. Jai Hind. He praised the pilot's bravery at the conclave, stating, "As far as Abhinandan is concerned, he is a true hero. The way he has led himself in the face of adversity, the kind of dignity with which he has led himself … He is an inspiration for a whole nation. So proud of him! "

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First publication:
March 01, 2019 8:30 pm EST

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