Rasika Dugal and Rajesh Tailang on the crime of Netflix in Delhi: we realized that the police were not superheroes


The Nirbhaya affair shook the country, causing anger and anger among citizens in 2012. People took to the streets to protest against the administration and seek justice. But while the general mbad was angry, there was a group of people in the police department who worked day and night to put the accused behind bars.

The protest and the case had coverage both nationally and internationally. Little is known about what happened at the Delhi Police Headquarters. The original Indian Netflix, Delhi Crime directed by Richie Mehta, is a narrative in the form of fiction illustrating the past 72 hours in which the police found traces of the six accused.

Rajesh Tailang, who describes the role of Inspector Bhupendra, one of the main officials in the case, remembers that he was in Delhi at the material time. Addressing to News18, he said, "At that time, when Nirbhaya arrived, I was in Delhi and we were all in pain and anger at that time." the information we collected at the time, it was broadcast by the media, I do not say that it was false., but it was insufficient because we did not know what was going on was on the police front, and the perception of the police was exposed to me throughout this series. "
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Rasika Dugal, who is considered an IPS officer undergoing training in the seven-part series, said: "From a civil point of view, everything that happened then caused us anger. Rajesh, I have not seen the case of the police I have no one in the family or close friends who participate in the services, so their life and what they are living are something that I do not I've never realized before reading the script. "
Rasika shares the collective guilt of the nation about the incident and characterized the cathartic experience as putting itself in the shoes of an officer in charge of the investigation. "It is always hurtful and painful to come back on this issue, but part of me wanted to do it because I do not want to forget what happened in 2012 because we tend to forget things very quickly and we try to move on to something else guilty about it. "

In Delhi Crime the character of Rasika is the closest to Nirbhaya's parents. She has just joined the forces and has a more personal approach to the case. She is like a bridge between the police, the parents and, somewhere, the media. Explaining her character, she said: "Neeti's journey begins with a sense of duty, she participates in it sincerely, and she wants to do it honestly, but over time the investigation becomes secondary for her. Victim and his parents become more important. "

On the other hand, Bhupendra is in the department for a long time and he realizes that as an officer, one can not afford the luxury of emotions. Bhupendra has a family to manage, his own health problems and in the middle of all this, he has a heinous crime to solve. "When I approached Bhupendra, I focused first and foremost on his human nature.He has a life outside of his duty and he balances the investigation between the two.It is his Of course he wants justice done for the moment, but he can not because he understands that he has to work within the limits of the law and that he is acquitted of his obligations at home, "said Rajesh.

During the conversation, Rasika said that she felt that most of the screenings of police officers had been made. extreme. Either they are superheroes who save the world, or they are corrupt criminals who plunder the general public. The human angle is missing.

Rajesh nodded, "After working in the series, I realized that they (the police) are also human beings who have feelings and limits and that they must respect the parameters of the law and They are not supercops or superheroes, they can immediately catch the culprits and give justice to the victims.The best thing about the scenario is that Richie lets them be normal humans who are trying to handle the pressure that watch them. "

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