Rathore is hoping for a good show of boxers in World C & # 39; ship


The Minister of Youth and Sports Union said he was confident in the solid performance of Indian boxers at the upcoming Women's World Championship.

The Minister, who went to the Indira Gandhi Sports Complex to attend the training session of the boxers present here further stated that he had excellent interaction with the players and badured that they were all prepared for the competition.

Addressing ANI, Rathore said, "I am pretty confident that our boxers will succeed in the world championship.I also hope that we will encourage all our boxers to give the best their potential in the competition. "

"All boxers are gearing up for the World Championship, I have had a good interaction with the boxers and they are very well prepared.It's time to impose our authority to the world. whole, "he added.

Speaking of India hosting a major international boxing event, he said that the same would be a stepping stone for the 2020 Olympics. He also badured that the government would provide all its support to such competitions .

"I think this is a very good step to try to win big leagues in the country.It is a stepping stone for the Olympics.The government will support the boxing federation and boxers in the same", was -he declares.

The five-time world champion, Mary Kom, said she was delighted with the Sports Minister's visit to the sports complex and said she was really motivating. The boxer is also engaged in a friendly fight with Rathore, whom she described as "fun".

Veteran Indian boxer Sarita Devi also appreciated Rathore's visit to the complex, saying it increased their self-confidence.

The International Boxing Association (AIBA) The Women's World Championship will be held from November 15th to 24th in New Delhi.

(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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