Rayudu shot by India dream – SPORT


Ambati Rayudu entered the room with confidence and when someone congratulated him on looking "very fit", all he offered in return was a shy smile .

Before the tumult of the decision to give up After failing to pbad the Yo-Yo test, his reaction was understandable.

However, the 32-year-old strokemaker is still drawn by his dream of representing the country. He said here Tuesday,

"Of course, I want to play for India again.This motivates me a lot.I will have to undergo the Yo-Yo test again in a few weeks and once I'm done. would have let hope to represent India. "

Rayudu, who played for the last time in India in 2016, has a laudable record in ODI with 1055 points. in 34 matches at 50.23.

Role of CSK

And Rayudu remembered the role that Chennai Super Kings (CSK) had played in entering India again. He scored 602 points at 43.00 for the IPL 2018 franchise.

"Even when I played for the other franchises, CSK would still be a team we would be wary of. And when I was chosen by CSK, I was very happy.Franchise showed a lot of confidence in me that mattered. "

Rayudu said the positive vibrations in the team helped. "I have had the opportunity to express myself freely and the interactions with Mahi Bhai (MS Dhoni) and coach Stephen Fleming have been really beneficial, I plan to do even better." Next year. "

Rayudu will travel as a mentor with the Junior Super Kings team for a Under-17 tournament in England this week.In fact, he will be close to the Indian team in the Old Blighty.

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