Reading order for Captain Marvel comics


Get ready, Carol Corps! With Captain Marvel on the big screen, this is the perfect time to learn more about his many adventures as a fighter pilot, security ace at NASA, Avenger, and so much more. Carol Danvers had several nicknames and spent many years without her own book. It can be difficult to know where to start. It's far from exhaustive – Carol's tendency to find herself in other books and her pbading as Avenger means she spent time in the entire Marvel area. But if you want to know Carol Danvers and dive deeper into her past, here are her greatest hits.

Marvel tends to start again very frequently with new numbers 1, which means that Carol has had half a dozen numbers 1 since 2012, which can be quite confusing for fans. Recently, Carol's content at the time of Captain Marvel was transformed into a collection of crafts called Captain Marvel: The Most Powerful Hero of the Earth . This makes it easier to read all the latest Marvel Comics adventures in sequence, but if you have already purchased some shows or transactions, be sure to check what is collected to avoid buying twice. The series of books The Earth's most powerful hero disperse for the most part in logical places, so those who bought books under previous incarnations will not have access to the tree .

  Ms. Marvel Comic Panel 1977-1979

Mrs. Marvel – 1977-1979

We know that this is supposed to relate to Captain Marvel. But before taking her place, Carol Danvers moved on to Mrs. Marvel's home (If you're interested in the character's debut, the work of writer Chris Claremont and several artists is collected in two very expensive hardcover books Marvel Masterworks Also Available as Much More Affordable eBooks If you are a finalist or plan to buy hardcover versions, you are better off with Captain Marvel: Ms. Marvel – A hero was born because it contains all that is necessary These two volumes, as well as six other numbers from 1972 to 1974.

At the beginning, Carol Danvers acquired his powers, met the Avengers, the very first appearance of Mystic, the first of many appearances of Guardians of the Galaxy, and Carol fight Ronan the accuser, who left particularly interesting considering his appa rition in the film Captain Marvel . These are stories from another era, but Carol manages some moments of progress, like negotiating her pay as editor of the magazine Woman with J. Jonah Jameson.

  Captain Marvel Comics - Binary (1980-1998) "title =" Captain Marvel Comics - Binary (1980-1998) "/> </div>
<h2>  Binary – 1980-1998 </h2>
<p>  After losing his powers and memory at Rogue's profit, Carol sits at X-Mansion, where Charles Xavier strives to regain his identity.It is lost.Unfortunately, while he can revive his memories, he can not bring back emotional attachments.It is finally experienced by the brood, giving it the powers of a white hole.It can now generate the power of a star, has red skin, s & # 39; Calls herself binary and fights alongside the X-Men. When Snape joins the X-Men, Carol leaves the X-Men and goes to space (a theme with her …) with The Starjammers </p>
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  Captain Marvel's Reading Order - The Warbird Years (1998-2006)

The Warbird Years – 1998-2006

Carol Reborn with the Aven in the role of Warbird. Her binary powers recede and she fights against alcoholism as a result of the various traumas that she has known. His friend Tony comes to his aid. It is also at this time that unfolds the scenario of the House of M an alternative reality in which Carol is Captain Marvel, a highly respected hero. Contrary to others, she keeps these memories, which haunted her in a certain way, but also pushed her to be even bigger.

You can see Carol's period as a Warbird with the Avengers in the pages of Kurt Busiek and George Perez. excellent Avengers Assemble .

  Reading Order of Captain Marvel - Mrs. Marvel (2006)

Mrs. Marvel – 2006

While Carol was still considered a Feminist Hero, her previous incarnations still had painful moments at the back, like the infamous rape plot where the Avengers were happy that the rapists' road flows together at sunset. But this race is far more modern, even though his Captain America bikini costume, Spider-man, Deadpool and Jessica Jones – one of Carol's closest friends – are making all their appearances.

This series includes stories of the first Civil War and Secret Invasion which involves a secret invasion of the Skrulls, of which Carol may or may not be a part. Remember all the movie trailers you've seen recently? Captain Marvel the film does not take a comic scenario but rather borrow concepts from here and there throughout its history. Nevertheless, it is interesting to read as many potentially relevant plots as possible to find the inspiration and spot the Easter eggs when they show up.

You can read this badysis in the package well packaged. Captain Marvel: Carol Danvers – The Ms Marvel Years volumes 1, 2 and 3.

  Captain Marvel (2012) Comics "title =" Captain Marvel (2012) Comics "/> </div>
<h2>  Captain Marvel – 2012 [19659005] It's surprising, but Carol Danvers has been called Captain Marvel for a few years now, and his first series is fun: the time-travel aspect links several threads through time and showcases some of the best and most Carol's oldest companions, such as Helen Cobb and Tracy Burke, the last of which is originally from Mrs. Marvel, long-time friend of Carol's friend, Jessica Drew, making frequent appearances as both Spider -Woman and herself, and Captain America is actually the one who "suggests" that Carol take the Captain Marvel mantle. </p>
<p>  If you're a reader Carol Danvers first time, it's a good start because it is Carol's version that made her the strength of pop culture that she's at There is a clear explanation of how Carol got her powers, and although at this point in her story, Carol is already an Avenger, her identity was recently unveiled and she has just changed of costume. Over the course of these events, she meets for the first time one of her best companions, Wendy Kawasaki. For those who feel too often behind or missing in the world of comics, Captain Marvel has the advantage of being a time of great change for an already well-developed character. That is, there is not much difficulty in determining who she is as a character, what the book is or how powerful it is, but there is a lot new grounds that Carol and you cover together. </p>
<p>  You Can Buy Captain Marvel: The Most Powerful Hero of the Earth Vol. 1 on Amazon </p>
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  Reading Order of Captain Marvel - The Inner Enemy "title =" Reading Order of Captain Marvel - The Inner Enemy "/> </div>
<h2>  The Enemy Within [19659005] This <em> Captain Marvel </em> / [19459003Lecrossover] Avengers Assemble </em> is one of Carol's finest, but it's a lot better if you start with volume 1 of the 2012 edition, which throws itself into this one, which reads directly but has more impact As a culmination of the story, DeConnick started with his 2012 series, because of the threads of the plot intertwined and how the configuration of the previous (uncrossed) numbers bears fruit with so much brilliance and emotion in the latest issues of history in volume 2 of <a href= Captain Marvel: The most powerful hero of the earth there are some other numbers of Captain Marvel and Avengers Assemble that complete the emotional impact of history.

There is a series of complex, interdependent antagonists, including one with a Kilgrave-esque talent for elaborate takedowns. Part of Carol's rogue gallery is restored, which is also fun for long-time fans. But do not let the dinosaurs and time travel deceive you, it's a deeply human story and one that challenges Carol because she is her least favorite enemy: she can not hit. It's the best story from start to finish in Carol's timeline. Insofar as it involves memory problems, sentries and one of Carol's greatest enemies, it also offers great potential for adaptation to the big screen.

Order Captain Marvel: The Most Powerful Hero of the Earth Vol. 2 on Amazon.

  Captain Marvel (2014) "title =" Captain Marvel (2014) "/> </div>
<h2>  Captain Marvel – 2014 </h2>
<p>  If you read the <em> the most powerful hero of the earth </em> collected editions, you should safely go to the 2014 <em> Captain Marvel Series </em> with volumes 3 and 4 to get the 15 numbers of the race.This is the second edition of <em> Captain Marvel </em> with Kelly Sue DeConnick writing, and the one whose works come most often when we search for Captain Marvel comics, it's a great showcase of her personality and the kind of adventures she loves, but for those who prefer to understand who, what, when, where and why of their heroes, the 2012 series is a better starting point. </p>
<p>  If you do not mind having fallen in the middle of a fight and to determine the powers of Captain Marvel by deduction, it's an excel Slow way to understand DeConnick packs a ton of character development into every brief selection, and the artwork lets you dive into his world. It is also one of Carol's most interesting visual representations, as she looks like an athlete rather than a Barbie doll </p>
<p>  Carol begins this series by going into space after the fallout of <em> The Enemy Within </em>. She meets the Guardians of the Galaxy, helps the refugees to stand up to her, saves her cat's babies, helps an inhuman intergalactic pop star get out of an arranged marriage and stops briefly on Earth to save the Father Christmas. As Carol says, this is what an avenger calls a Tuesday. </p>
<p>  You can order Captain Marvel: The Most Powerful Hero of the Earth, Vol. 3 and vol. 4 on Amazon. </p>
<div id=
  Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps (2015) "title =" Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps (2015) "/> </div>
<h2>  Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps – 2015 </h2>
<p>  If you are already read <em> Captain Marvel 2012 </em> It's very cool to see this alternate universe version of the 1944 Banshee squadron. If you have not already done it, you can still enjoy this group of fighter pilots entirely composed of women.A history that ends <em> Captain Marvel: The most powerful hero of the Earth, vol 4 </em> or you can read the book <em> The Carol Corps </em> single </p>
<p> ] A word of warning: <em> The Carol Corps </em> who graciously gave its name to all fans of Carol Danvers (welcome!), Was created as part of the Marvel Story <em> Secret Wars </em> You Follow This Scenario Or At Least You Read A Summary, <em> Carol Corps [1949004] 59005] makes more sense. However, suddenly seeing a Twentieth-Century Kit as a brain washed in a predominantly feminine (though still patriarchal) society that seems to have come from <em> The Giver </em> is a real shock to the system. </p>
<p>  You can just be tempted by Carol for a few short editions, consider diving into the <em> Secret Wars </em> or just reading some online abstracts to make more sense. If nothing else, <em> The scenario of the Carol Corps </em> as brief as it is, contains one of the best examples of Carol's slogan: higher, further, faster , more! </p>
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  Captain Marvel (2016) Comics

Captain Marvel – 2016

Kelly Sue DeConnick bade farewell to Captain Captain Marvel and writers Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters who took surveys. This race has two major stories, Rise of Alpha Flight and of the Second World War which can be purchased as separate editions. If you follow the Captain Marvel: the most powerful hero of the Earth The books, which are the simplest way from 2012, will be only volume 5. In this same series, Captain Marvel goes again in space, to lead a motley group called Alpha Flight. The world's first and best line of defense against extraterrestrial threats and their boss, Carol. a pen (since the series 2012) and a huge fandom (the result of the events of The Enemy Within and it has only grown since), a show of Captain Marvel TV returns to Earth, which C ' is one of Carol's obligations.

The Alpha Flight team is a fun mix of (mostly) new characters and a new rendition of Wendy Kawasaki. What remains unchanged is Captain Marvel's stubborn insistence on saving the planet at his expense and his equally strong loyalty to his team. This also includes elements of Civil War II (you will have to consult the main book Civil War II for all to be logical) that pits Carol and Tony against one another. 39; another. devastating effect.

Buy Captain Marvel: The Most Powerful Hero of the Earth Vol. 5 on Amazon.

  The Powerful Captain Marvel (2017) "title =" The Powerful Captain Marvel (2017) "/> </div>
<h2>  The Powerful Captain Marvel – 2017 </h2>
<p>  <em> The New York Times </em> bestselling author Margret Stohl (<em> Beautiful Creatures </em>) takes over writing for Princess Sparklefists, Alpha Flight team returns home as Carol deals with the fallout from the Second World War <em> World War </em> and the infamous "Captain America" ​​Hydra. "Alpha Flight is recruiting new recruits and teaming with the Ultimate and Guardians of the Galaxy, longtime friends of Captain Marvel, who had hidden her from her space problems </p>
<p>  Carol getting ready His stories have been criticized for being more YA-focused, especially with the addition of new Alpha Flight recruits, but he is not too discordant out of the 2016 era so v We're in order, it's fun, but the reading is not accurate. [19659002] Discover it in <em> The Mighty Captain Marvel Vol. 1: Alien Nation </em><em>  The mighty Captain Marvel Vol. 2: Band of Sisters </em> and <em> The Mighty Captain Marvel, vol. 3: Dark Origins </em>. </p>
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