Reason for why WWE kept Roman Reigns from RAW after the revelation of Wrestlemania 35



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Apr 11, 2019, 17:04 IST


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Email [19659013] Roman Reigns

What's the story?

One of the most surprising aspects of RAW after Wrestlemania this year is the absence of The Big Dog in the series. Roman Reigns made an appearance once the show stopped working and this shows that Reigns was in perfect condition for the show, but the WWE chose not to release it.

It is quite surprising that the WWE chose not to follow it. to have one of their biggest stars on the RAW after Wrestlemania. Many thought that Reigns might appear on SmackDown in the same way as Drew McIntyre, but even that did not happen.

We might have found the reason behind the fact that Reigns was not part of RAW.

19659020] If You Did not Know It …

This was the first time in four years that Roman Reigns was not attending the main event in Wrestlemania this year. However, this was not a bad mania for the former WWE Champion since he had managed to win a victory against Drew McIntyre at the biggest stage of all.

At the heart of the problem

Here's what Brad Shephard I had to say that Reigns had been left out in his podcast Oh you do not know:

In fact, he did not have many reactions from the crowd's share in his match against Drew [at WrestleMania]. I think this is largely due to a situation in the crowd – I do not try to be rude – but they have voluntarily prevented him from going on TV and RAW. "

Now, of course, they did it after .. RAW Moment with Dean and Seth, but that's the reason they dismissed it, they did not want it – you know that RAW after Mania's crowd is brutal, look what they did … they went through Kofi Kingston and I'll go into details in a minute because that's fine and that's exactly what WWE deserves. 19659023] (H / T Credit:

Next Steps

Next week, the superstar will be playing better and better, it will be interesting to see if Roman Reigns stays on RAW or is moved to SmackDown.

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