Remember Sridevi: It'll never save She's not here, says Anupam Kher


"It will never ever be recorded that Sridevi is not there". Anupam Kher sums up the feelings of fans, family members and friends of the fellowship in the right words a year after the death of the enigmatic actress, who has lived the cinematographic dream for 50 years.

An ordinary Sunday morning has turned into a real place of disbelief. Sridevi fans around the world have learned of his sudden death in Dubai in the bath of a hotel on the night of the 24th at night. Only a day or two before, social media enthusiasts had discovered its impeccable taste at a family wedding. badist. At 54, she was gone in a jiffy.

"It's something that many fans of her, including me, will live in denial of what was so sudden, so shocking and so abrupt.But the reality is in a year," said Anupam at IANS, New York.
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The great appointment of Sridevi with the arclights began at the age of four with a film of devotion Thunaivan . Nothing prevented her from experimenting with genres, languages, looks and characters, which led her to become one of the most formidable actresses of the 1980s and 1990s in Bollywood.
She slipped into a myriad of roles – that it was the dual role of ChaalBaaz as a woman suffering from retrograde amnesia in Sadma a woman metamorphosed into Nagina journalist specializing in crime in Mr. India the warm act of the mother in English Vinglish or the fierce and vindictive mother of "Mom" – as easily as she won hearts with expressive eyes, comical timing and her flowing dance skills.

The sea of ​​fans during her last trip to Mumbai was proof of the love she had accumulated over the years.

"I have never seen so much adulation for an actress in my entire career, which I think is one of the best actresses, even internationally, with whom I have worked or seen," said Anupam, who describes her as "unpretentious, real and humane", in addition to having a great sense of humor in real life. [19659004] Anil Kapoor, brother-in-law of Sridevi and co-starring in several films, whose iconic "Mr. India" says that there is some emptiness that the family always feels every time that & # 39; There is an opportunity at home or an appointment.

"His presence is irreplaceable," Anil told IANS, adding, "With time, we have on people and their presence … and then there are personalities whose presence, the enigma , beauty and the body of work, everything is memorable.It is this personality. "

Satish Kaushik, who acted with and even directed Sridevi, told IANS:" It was not just a loss personal, but also a huge professional loss, because it's hard to find such a dedicated and disciplined actor, I really wanted to make a film and put it up, but that wish remains unfulfilled. "

After marrying producer Boney Kapoor, Sridevi let his career go back, before appearing in front of the cameras of the camera. again with "English Vinglish". His return is a rare success for an Indian film actress.

The director of the film, Gauri Shinde, recounts with emotion the "crazy laugh and childish purity" of Sridevi.

"Her most special memory is to have had the honor of leading the most magnificent actress in the world … to have held her hand, to have hugged her and to "To have felt the heat so special," Shinde told IANS. [19659004] The actor Adil Hussain, who played Sridevi's husband in the film, said that she was often the center of attraction of a play because of her presence and of its beauty, but Sridevi would be almost non-existent to be able to absorb the world in silence. 19659004] "Doing this for a braid of her stature is difficult, but it's something she's been successful in. She was a real actress who loved her art …" was a simple person, humble and quiet, a brilliant actress that the nation loved. "

Five Years After Her English Vinglish Sridevi gave a performance packed with power with Ravi's Mum Udyawar

Udyawar, who is looking forward to exploring a different side of the actress in a revenge drama, wanted to make a comedy film with her.

"We were starting a new chapter to explore the actress in her that the world had not seen before, but things were finished and finished before we even imagined."

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