Rescue of the cave in Thailand: boys may be able to "go out" when water levels drop – live | News from the world



Boys may be able to go out

  Michael Safi

Rescuers can now enter the cave and do it as "The water has been reduced by 40% so that we can enter the cave without any diving equipment," said Poonsak Woongsatngiem, a rescue officer from Thailand.

Authorities warned that the third chamber still had water reaching the roof of the cave and that now we focus on emptying the third bedroom and the 2.5km pbadage from the third bedroom to the shelter of the boys. 19659007] "The so-called room three is still at a crucial stage.We want to drain as much water as possible," said Mr. Poonsak. "However, I could not estimate the depth. This varies because some areas may be deeper. We are targeting water in the third chamber to reduce to the point that no dive gear is needed, such as waist circumference, so that we can only wear lifejackets. rescue and go out.

Authorities hope boys can be moved without diving equipment

Michael Safi just spoke in Khao Khiewpakdi, head of the fire and rescue unit of the Bangkok Subway Administration, who says that a plan is in place to recover the boys.

The plan is to try to drain enough cave to be able to extract the boys without the need of diving equipment. They can still swim, but will not be completely submerged.

Khao said the authorities managed to drain the first 1,5 km of the cave, leading to the third basin along the road, where the water levels are still on the ceiling.
The focus today will be on draining this basin. on the other, 2.5 km until the boys shelter.

Khao estimates that each pump can drain 13,000 liters per hour. Authorities are installing more pumps and asking electrical engineers to find a way to provide more power for the operation.

  An excerpt from a video recorded by Chilean miner Mario Sepulveda. "Src ="

A Always checked out A video recorded by the Chilean miner Mario Sepulveda. Photo: Mario Sepulveda / AFP / Getty Images

One of the Chilean miners who was trapped for 69 days in 2010 said he was raising money to travel to Thailand and help rescue efforts as best he could.

"I will see what is possible. Sepulveda told AFP. "I'm calling someone from the government [Chilean] to try to make money together." I think it's important for us to be there, after what the minors have lived. "

" I would love to go in. I think it would be extremely important to support families, to hug them. "The words of encouragement are important."

Sepulveda sent a message to the boys trapped that they "hang on to it" and urged the authorities not to waste time and spend no money

"What we need, it is for the Thai government to put a lot of money, and who else wants to donate, and bring in professional divers to get them out now? , he said

: "They must teach them to dive as fast as possible." 19659028] 21:48 EDT

Our South Asian correspondent e Michael Safi is on the ground at Mae Sai and reports that a path has been marked for the boys to pbad along once they have been rescued and that is already the scene of a colorful shrine.

michael safi
(@ safimichael)

Along the way the boys will pbad once they will be released from #thamluangcave a colorful shrine stretches each day @MsKateLyons [19659035] July 5, 2018

The first pages of Thai language English newspapers are concentrated again on the rescue mission. While yesterday they warned against the risks of plunging boys to safety, today the Nation urges "Diving the best option to evacuate despite the risk" and the title of the Bangkok Post is: "King urges the quick rescue of the cave ".

Richard Barrow in Thailand
(@ RichardBarrow)

First look at the papers this morning at # Thailand (Thursday, July 5, 2018)

? Bangkok Post-King urges a quick rescue from the cave
? The Nation – Diving the best option to evacuate 13 despite the risk

? More news: & https: // t .co / w1Z2oeNLu2 #ThamLuang # ถ้ำ หลวง

July 4, 2018

Elon Musk "It is said to be" happy to help "with relief efforts if there is anything that he could do to contribute.

Responding to someone on Twitter who asked if he would help, the co-founder of Tesla, wrote "I suspect the Thai government has this control under control, but I'm happy to 39; help there is a way to do it. "

Elon Musk
(@ elonmusk)

I suspect the Thai government has this under control, but I'm happy to to help if there is a way to do it

4 July 2018

There is a lot of talk about potential rescue operations.

A rescue plan was described yesterday that involved putting boys in dive gear and having them escorted out of the cave by navy divers. This plan would involve:

  • The boys would be dressed in wetsuits, boots and helmets, and the divers would use an 8mm static rope that is already in place to guide them through the cave system.
  • carry their own 12 liter air tanks – they are more likely to be supplied with oxygen from the supply of a marine diver.
  • In addition to this, filled "scene tanks" are also set up every 25 to 50 meters along the road, allowing boys to quickly access oxygen if their inventory are low
  • formed a link could function as guides for boys. "They need comfort, they need to talk to someone in their native language, someone who can keep them calm," said Torsten Torsten Lechler, a diver who works for Mermaid Subsea Services in Bangkok.
The boys would be escorted by navy divers

However, experienced divers are reluctant to take boys out of the dark and dangerous waters that are still in the cave, especially since they are not trained.

"We are talking about kilometers of transport under blind water," said Claus Rasmusen, a certified underwater diving instructor based in Thailand who helped the Thai SEAL team with the If they can not remove the boys before the start of the monsoon rains, which should occur this weekend, the authorities warned that the cave could be flooded, trapping the boys in the cave for months and cutting them from the entrance, which means that they were unable to receive supplies or to have communications with the outside world.

Authorities said they were still exploring Other options, such as scouring the side of the mountain to find other ways .. the cave.

Michael Safi also reports that a new idea is circulating around the site this morning: the possibility of inserting a tiny capsule in the cave, in which the boys can be placed one by one. and guided the journey of about 4 km from their cave to the entrance of the cave.

A Thai official overseeing the rescue operation of a football team trapped in a flooded cave id the 12 boys and their coach can not not all be extracted at the same time depending on their health.

"All 13 may not go out at the same time, if the condition is good and that person is 100% ready, he can go out," Chiang Rai governor Narongsak Osatanakorn said on Wednesday. "If the condition is good and that person is 100% ready, he can go out."

Narongsak said that the boys were training wearing diving masks and breathing, but he did not believe he was diving Michael Safi “/>

The window to remove the boys before monsoon rains hit close fast as monsoon rains are expected

Twelve days after a dozen boys and their football coach ventured into a cave in northern Thailand, authorities are fighting always water to get them out.

Hundreds of pumps gush out in the vicinity to make the caves safe enough to remove the boys.

Clouds are still present above the site, a reminder of the urgency of starting a rescue attempt.

An original idea circulates this morning around the site: the possibility of inserting a tiny capsule in the cave, in which the boys can be placed one by one and guided the journey of about 4 km from their cave at the entrance to the cave.

It is unclear whether this option is realistic or whether Thailand has the equipment immediately available to do so. We hope to find out more at the governor's daily briefing later this morning.

For a comprehensive guide to where boys are and other plans on how they could be saved, we have this visual guide.

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