A spokesperson for IceCube and other experts explain the observations that led to the identification of the source of high-energy neutrinos and cosmic rays.
IceCube Collaboration / NSF, IceCube Collaboration / NSF
The IceCube Laboratory at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica. Scientists at the site recently discovered the source of cosmic neutrinos, sometimes called "ghost particles". (Photo: Erik Beiser, IceCube / NSF)
"But to generalize, one must see another, or several others."
Scientists of The Neutral Ice Ice Observatory at the South Pole discovered a single neutrino, commonly referred to as "ghost particles", in September and traced it to a blazar galaxy at nearly 4 billion dollars. 39, light-years away, in the constellation of Orion, Gaisser m said Scientists refer to the galaxy as "Texas", a play on its scientific name, TXS 0506 + 056.
Tom Gaisser, physicist at the University of Delaware and James Roth at the South Pole. (Photo: University of Delaware)
The discovery was published in a pair of studies in the journal Sci UD researchers, who received $ 750,000 in 2016 to maintain and operate IceTop, a range of sensors on the surface of the IceCube project, also helped deploy the system that detected the neutrino.
Understanding a cubic kilometer of deep ice a mile below the surface at the South Pole, the mbadive particle detector is composed of more than 5000 light sensors – on a grid that is several football fields wide.
The Neutrino IceCube Ice Observatory is buried at depths between 1.5 and 2.5 kilometers below the South Pole. The only equipment visible is the IceCube Lab, also known as ICL, which houses computers that collect data from more than 5,000 light sensors in the ice. In this artistic rendering, based on a real image of the LCI, the IC170922 neutrino event is shown on the surface of Antarctica. (Photo: IceCube / Google Earth Collaboration: PGI / NASA US Geological Survival Data, NOAA, US Navy, NGA, GEBCO Landsat / Copernicus)
When a neutrino interacts with the nucleus of An atom, it creates a secondary charged particle, which in turn produces a characteristic cone of blue light that is detected by IceCube and mapped. The clear, dark ice makes the interaction easier to catch.
"This is the first evidence we have of an active neutrino-emitting galaxy, which means we could soon start observing the universe using neutrinos to learn more about these objects. A way that would be impossible – the author Marcos Santander, astronomer of the University of Alabama
Gaisser said that the discovery was a bit of a surprise.
The IceCube Collaboration, with more than 300 scientists in 49 institutions worldwide, leads a broad scientific program that laid the foundation for astronomy neutrinos. [19659008] Gaisser said the next step will be to expand the IceCube sensor array, increasing the likelihood of neutrinos hitting it and interacting with matter here on Earth.
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But the IceCube expansion is a lengthy process that involves drilling 1.5 mile holes in the ice so that the sensors are lowered. Weather conditions can have a significant impact on the job.
"There was a season when we (drilled) 20," said Gaisser. "The first season, we have one."
A larger sky for astronomers in Delaware
NASA reported in 1017 that researchers had found seven potentially telluric planets in orbit around 39, a star at 235 trillion miles. John Gizis, professor of physics and astronomy at UD, discovered this star in 1999. (Photo: Suchat Pederson / Newspaper)
Interested in astronomy?
The night sky has become much larger for local astronomers through a new partnership with the Southeast Association for Research in Astronomy (19459085), which provides researchers and astronomers from the University of Delaware. and near the astronomical observatory of Mount Cuba, access to three distant telescopes.
They are located in so-called "dark sky" areas in Kitt Peak, Arizona, Cerro Tololo, Chile, and La Palma, on the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. [19659008] At each location, there are few lights in the city or other bright distractions. The telescopes are also sitting more than a mile higher than the instruments at Mount. Cuba, which is about 260 feet above sea level.
And no, researchers will not have to travel thousands of kilometers to use telescopes .
Impression of Ice Neutrino Ice Observatory Artist in Antarctica. The Spherical Digital Optical Modules (DOM), about 35 cm in diameter each, are positioned up to 2.5 km deep in ice. More than 5000 DOMs form a cubic kilometer detector weighing more than a billion tons. DOMs detect the weak lightning created when a high-energy neutrino interacts with ice. See pages 115, 146 and 147. (Photo: Jamie Yang and Savannah Guthrie / IceCube / NSF)
They can be viewed and controlled on the Internet. Because telescopes are located in different time zones, the new partnership also extends the day of viewing to UD and allows tracking stars across more than one hemisphere.
UD now has eight full-time astronomy professors and offers a bachelor's degree in the subject, according to UDaily. SARA telescopes have provided some of the data used in IceCube's recently published neutrino literature, and several UD research projects are supporting the SARA network.
Visit UDaily to learn more.
USA Today journalists Doyle Rice and Katharine Lackey contributed to this story . Contact Jessica Bies at (302) 324-2881 or [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @jessicajbies
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