Review of Marvel – Captain America movies: recap of civil war, legacy and MCU connections


This article contains annotations for Captain America movies and the MCU at large.

At the beginning of Deadpool 2 Wade Wilson informs us in a voiceover that Marvel's sequel in 2018 is truly "a family film." Captain America: Civil War never says explicitly the same thing, but it is the case.There are so many family stories and nested family elements throughout the movie that it was really a test to see if the Russo brothers – returning to the bar for another Cape exit after The Winter Soldier – could not only handle as many characters gathered on the screen, but they could do it in so that the public plugged in completely in 147 minutes.

Surprisingly, they succeeded, but there had been a compromise – the 2016 Civil War was halfway between a Captain's movie America and by Avengers 2.5 A film audition for the management team , without real narrative resolution for the Cape trilogy. Bucky is on the ice because no one knows how to handle the situation, Cape continues to race and the Avengers separate. If you've ever had a family quarrel during which you ended up not talking to someone for years, it will be easy to tell. The answer is perhaps relatively simple for people from outside looking from within – Infinity War brings us a sort of ultimatum of "overcome it and call it" "In the first 20 minutes – but these powerful feelings of anger and betrayal continue to burn loudly. It's the family that will do it for you.

In the first two films of Cape Town, we mainly gave a clear distinction between good and bad. Steve is fighting for what is right, but the gray areas are starting to flee in his ideology by the end of Winter Soldier and not just because the people who officially run him are no longer the " good. " Bucky Barnes has done horrible things, but if he has a chance to save his best friend, a brother-like, can he let it go? The bloody events of Winter Soldier continue to pbad the American Civil War as an open wound.

The writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely ensure that we are one kilometer away from the path where Cape Moral Compbad takes it, while attacking it. Huge effort of a team opposing the Avengers, claiming that every character has his skin in the game.

Tony is attaching to losing his parents in a car accident and is feeling more and more responsible people who end up being "collateral damage" in the Avengers' schemes – a barrage of conflicting emotions that implodes when he discovers that Bucky is responsible for something that he thought was an accident . Scarlet Witch is the newly adopted daughter who has not yet been fully adopted by the family. Nat was part of Clint's "secret" family before anyone realized that he had one, and we now know that he is more at risk than a bag of arrows. Sam and Bucky become half-brothers forced to spend time together for unpleasant mini-holidays. T'Challa is sorrowful after seeing his father die, seeking revenge for having at least one fence before returning to Wakanda for family fallout. Meanwhile, Scott risks all the work he has done to create a safe home for his young daughter Cbadie by joining the "bad" side of the Avengers team.

The big fight between them is always an absolute spectacle. For an action scene as aesthetic (imagine what someone like Zack Snyder would have done if you liked to stage the scenery and play with the colors – or not, if the idea makes you hesitate) arrives to be extraordinarily exciting, even when you know that things will probably go well for most. Hawkeye hits Black Widow, new members of the Spider-Man family and Ant-Man make their team debut, Scarlet Witch eliminates his frustration of being immobilized by his new father figure by burying him under an avalanche of cars. In the center of everything, Tony and Steve oppose, the most determined to "win" while Black Panther is pioneering a potential relief.

Pulling the strings over a measured distance is Daniel Bruhl's Zemo. , one of the most tragic villains of the MCU, and who is away from his comics. Zemo has no 2D intention. His goal is not to give the Avengers a casual cataclysmic event like Ultron, Loki or Thanos. His plan is complex, brilliant and upsetting – he wants to destroy a family. Revenge has consumed him, just like Tony and T & # 39; Challa.

When he ends up erasing the last voicemail he received from his wife before she was killed during the Battle of Sokovia in Age of Ultron Zemo seems resigned to anything that could happen to him, and he knows it will not be good. But he also knows that his personal mission, like that of December 16, 1991, is over.

Everything is connected: Captain America: Civil War was a huge test for the public – it was really the first MCU movie that would trouble you if you leave in the cold, but here some of the widest connections to note …

The final battle of Sokovia, destroyer of Age of Ultron has Tony, Rhodey and Vision believe that some important issues related to the supervision between the Avengers and the government are founded. Rhodey later puts the last nail in the coffin of the Agreements when the avengers Avengers roll up during the war of Infinity .

Crossbones comes back to creating problems for Steve after revealing that his allegiance was with Hydra in . Soldier .

Vision and Scarlet Witch are clearly in the early stages of a love story that will be confirmed in . Avengers: Infinity War .

The fight of Sam and Scott in . The man is resolved because Falcon immediately brings him into the fold when the chips are exhausted in Civil War .

Agent 13 turns out to be Sharon Carter, Peggy's niece. To say that it did not please fans, especially after she spoke with Steve later in the film, is an understatement. We have not seen it appear in the MCU since, and you can probably count the people who are sad about it. Both men had a remarkable (and much better received) relationship in comics.

Cape states "I can do it all day" by fighting Iron Man, a phrase that he had uttered in his first solo film when he had been seen fighting a tyrant. in an alley. In this scene, he tried to take a shield in the shape of a metal trash lid to protect himself. The Cape Shield then becomes a point of contention in the last battle between him and Tony, Tony stating that he does not belong to Steve. Cape then abandons the iconic shield next to a wounded Tony at the end of their faceoff with Black Panther damage. He still has not recovered, but Endgame teases a potential meeting.

This was the first appearance of Giant Man, an oversized Ant-Man that we would find in the second Scott Lang of Peyton Reed. Offering, Ant-Man and Wasp . The Raft is also presented as a megaprison where the US government keeps "the worst of the worst", causing even more problems to Scott later in Ant-Man And The Wasp .

Cameo of the late Marvel's legend, Stan Lee finds him while he names Iron Man "Tony Stank" while he drops off a FedEx package.

Everett Ross, the best of the CIA, debuts in the Civil War . Martin Freeman would take over the role in Black Panther . Meanwhile, General Ross (William Hurt) became Secretary of State and became even more awesome

The invention of Tony BARF is teased, a recreation technology with memory supposed to play a key role in Avengers: Endgame .

The death of Howard Stark was mentioned in Iron Man's first two films, and we know he was instrumental in the creation of Steve Rogers as a super soldier during World War II. We witness here his ultimate disappearance in 1991 under the hands of Bucky Barnes, but it turns out that Cape has been aware of it for some time, maybe even since Natasha gave him a secret file on Barnes at the end of Winter soldier .

First appearances: We have a glimpse of what this incarnation of Spider-Man will be able to do in the next MCU films, in addition to being able to meet the new Aunt May, Marisa Tomei. The black panther also enters the Civil War .

Farewell: King Wakanda, King T & # 39; Chaka, is killed when a bomb explodes as he delivers a speech to the United Nations upon ratification of Sokovia agreements. , but we'll see him again briefly in Ryan Coogler's independent film Black Panther

An old Peggy Carter finally opens her hooves and Steve is naturally devastated. It would also be a moving funeral scene for the character's fans during any subsequent replay, as his ABC TV series, Agent Carter was about to be canceled shortly after the release from Civil War.

Frank Grillo's villainous villain, Crossbones, commits suicide bomb suicide as we join the Avengers in their latest mission, unleashing a series of events that will mark the beginning of the end of the Earth's most powerful heroes in their current line

Credit Check: Bucky Barnes, who now lacks his powerful robotic arm, is on the scene of average credits, in a state of cryogenic stasis in Wakanda, in the middle of the world. hope that a cure for its brainwashing triggers can be found at a later date.

In the post-credit scene, it's time to get excited about Spider-Man: Homecoming . The MCU's own attempt to make an independent film for Peter Parker would give him a new Stark technology, seen here for the first time.

You can read all the summaries of our MCU here.

What are your thoughts on Captain America: Civil War? Have we missed your favorite moment or reference? Let us know in the comments below …

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