Review of Neerali: This Mohanlal thriller is a winner


Written by Manoj Kumar R
| Bangalore |

Posted: July 13, 2018 5:46:23 pm

  Neerali Review of the film Neerali: What strikes, it is the director Ajoy Varma and the dedication of the writer Sanju to protect the integrity of history by not modifying it Mohanlal, Nadhiya, Parvatii Nair
Director: Neerali Ajoy Varma
Movie Rating: 4 stars [19659007] Spoilers ahead

We all have to move to stay alive. It's not for nothing that they say "movement is life", but imagine a situation where you are forced to refrain from moving if you want to stay alive? Consider, for example, the difficult situation from Sunny (Mohanlal) to Neerali. His pickup is lodged at the edge of a cliff located in a deep forest populated with elephants and wild snakes.

And imagine now how difficult the situation will become when he has a woman who has just given birth, and a possessive girlfriend to deal with. They keep calling to complain while his life is balancing on a fallen tree trunk that keeps his truck from plunging into a deep gorge. Terrifying, is not it?

Writer Saju Thomas has spun an entertaining narrative about a defenseless man, who is caught between complicated women in his life and a deep emptiness. The film begins with the pick-up, in which Sunny travels with her chauffeur friend Veerappa (Suraj Venjaramoodu), leaves the road and plunges into the jungle. The vehicle stops miraculously at the edge of a cliff, leaving Veerappa seriously injured and Sunny in a defenseless situation on the pbadenger seat.

Veerappa can not move a muscle in his body to save his life. It is now up to Sunny to do something extraordinary to keep him and his friend away from the claws of death. The film continues to go back and forth, telling the connection between Sunny and Veerappa, the details of their families and the personal problems they face individually. The truck also contains a box full of diamonds worth Rs 5 crore, which is pursued by a gang of Rajan armed criminals (Dileesh Pothan).

As if these problems were not enough, Sunny's outgoing calls were barred on the non-payment account preventing him from phoning his friends for help.

Malayalam superstar Mohanlal gives a convincing performance as a person constantly swinging between hope and despair. What is striking is the director Ajoy Varma and the dedication of writer Sanju to protect the integrity of the story by not modifying it to suit the celebrity Mohanlal.

The man, who made 100 rupees at the box office The international killers trained and attacking 300 kg tigers (Pulimurugan) are reduced to a mortal being – shouting and shouting for help. In fact, the superstar image of Mohanlal has done a great service to the filmmakers. In more than one scene, I almost thought that Mohanlal was about to perform an incredible maneuver and save the day. Ajoy and Sanju even lead you to believe that Sunny will train a wild and unruly monkey with four pieces of cake to help him. Sunny has a bag full of stuff that he plays against the backdrop of an adrenaline pumping song. But, his tricks are not enough to save him from imminent danger.

Neerali is not a regular movie of superstar. He's not stronger or bigger than his circumstances. The only extraordinary thing that Mohanlal's Sunny can do is maintain his hope and determination to survive. And believe me, it's a big question in such desperate situations.

Not just Sunny, Neerali's other characters still negotiate between life and death. Mollykutty (Nadhiya) fears not to survive the pregnancy, Naina (Parvatii Nair) has suicidal thoughts while she stands on the edge of her building after Sunny refuses to meet her romantic expectations. Veerappa hopes to regain the respect of his daughter. The stakes are constantly growing in history, drawing the public to the edge of the seat.

You can also find humor in Sunny's sufferings. Sunny's almost unsuccessful attempts to make his wife Mollykutty and his workmate Naina understand that the situation in which he finds himself is funny. He has to make sure that he does not say anything that will make them angry and make them hang up the phone.

Cinematography Santosh Thundiyil's image of Sunny's moonlight jungle test adds to the suspense. The film also has special effects satisfying. Watch out for the scene, where a cobra looks up and shakes his tongue a few inches from Sunny's terrified face

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