RIP Fax Jibes, now the praise of the governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Satya Pal Malik, Omar Abdullah, Mehbooba Mufti


The governor defended his decision to dissolve the badembly last week. (File)

New Delhi:

The Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Satya Pal Malik, made a noise stating that "if he had looked to the center", he would have been forced to install a government led by his government. by Sajad Lone, supported by the BJP.

"If I had looked to Delhi (the center), I would have been forced to invite Sajad Lone to form the government." I would have then gone into history unscrupulous people who want to abuse me can do so, but I am convinced that I did what is right, "Malik said at a meeting in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, Saturday.

The governor defended his request the dissolution of the badembly last week after Sajad Lone-BJP from one side and the trio of Mehbada Mufti, his rival Omar Abdullah and the Congress of the other , have claimed the formation of a government.

As the comments provoked, the governor clarified. "My statement can not be manipulated in any way that the center is interested in Sajad Lone." I only said, if I had asked them, they might have said Sajad Lone. not asked and they did not say, "he said.

Mehbada Mufti and Omar Abdullah – who had accused the governor of trying to help the ruling BJP and repeatedly asked why a fax machine at Mr. Malik's office was not working while Ms. Mufti was trying to Send his letter support – congratulated the governor based on the video.

"Leaving aside the fiasco of fax machines, it is good to see that the governor refused to take the dictation of Delhi, instead opted for the dissolution of the badembly.This could be unprecedented, considering of the history of democracy in the state, "tweeted Mehbada Mufti, who resigned as chief minister after being abandoned by the BJP alliance.

The head of the National Conference, Omar Abdullah, also had a good word. "My compliments to Governor Malik for not looking at Delhi and for not following their instructions, thus ending the installation of a BJP government and its horse trade trained attorneys, defections and the use of money, "he tweeted.

People's Conference Leader Sajad Lone was shaken. Lone, who has two members in the National Assembly and claimed enough MPs, as well as the BJP and 18 others, accused the governor of saying a "new thing" every day.

"The governor of J & K can not tear me apart" Lone stated that he insisted that he was calling her first with her claim and that she was not sure. he was asked to send his letter by fax.

Responding to allegations that the BJP had supported him in the hope of increasing the number through a "horse exchange", Mr. Lone replied, "Am I Do you have any money for that? "

Malik's comments follow on from NDTV's Ravish Kumar, jokingly asking graduate engineering students to design a fax machine that" will not stop working after 7 pm ". "I say this in the presence of the governor because I am sure he will take it in the right spirit because it is a democracy," said the seasoned journalist.

In his response to the slogan, Mr. Malik said: "If Mehbada Mufti and the National Conference President, Omar Abdullah, were keen to form a government in Jammu and Kashmir, they should have call me or send me a letter. "