Robotic Russian spacecraft sets record travel to International Space Station


A Russian unmanned spacecraft made record time on its journey to the International Space Station on Monday.

Cargo 70, called Progress 70, made the journey from the Earth's surface to its final destination in less than four hours. that a trip from New York to Washington DC or Boston. According to NASA, the vessel was carrying nearly half a tonne of water and 3,450 pounds of food and supplies . before 6 pm and landed just after 9:30 pm, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

[19459] [194590] [19459]  Spaceship The Russian spacecraft Progress 70 moored at the International Space Station. NASA

The refueling mission broke the previous record of six hours. Russia had tried to break the record earlier this year and last year, but the delays meant that the missions missed the most optimal launch window, according to The Progress spacecraft is disposable and the outlet said it would stay with the space station until 2019, when it will be filled with trash and then dropped to be destroyed by the atmosphere of the Earth.

The Progress craft flew into space on a Russian Soyuz rocket

"The trip of less than four hours will demonstrate an accelerated capability that could be used in future cargo launches and launching. Russian crews, "NASA said in a statement on the launch

Other cargo launches may take at least two days. SpaceX, which also provides supply leads to the space station, sent a vehicle there earlier this month that took three days to complete its trip, according to the Associated Press. The Dragon capsule, launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, has circled the Earth several times before joining the space station.

In order to avoid the longer cycle of orbit, the International Space Station had to adjust its orbit in June the mission, according to The Verge.

There are currently six astronauts stationed at the space station in different countries. Three, including Station Commander Drew Feustel, are Americans. The other astronauts of NASA are Arnold and Serena Aunon-Chancellor. Alexander Gerst, a German from the European Space Agency, and two Russians, Oleg Artemyev and Sergey Prokopyev, are also on the station.

The administration of President Donald Trump proposed to phase out US monetary support for the International Space Station. this year. The hope is that the commercial enterprise will support elements of the International Space Station releasing NASA to focus on deeper space missions.

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