Ron Howard, the director of "Solo", says it's not "quite right" that the fallout from Star Wars has been suspended


By Patrick Cavanaugh

The era of Internet speculation has many disadvantages, one of which is that if you are the first to report a rumor, you are facing considerable amounts of negative feedback and denial. Following a report that Lucasfilm was putting stand-alone films on hold for the foreseeable future, multiple sources have come to refute these allegations, including Solo: a story of Star Wars director Ron Howard being the last to weigh on the status of the studio.

When TMZ recently spotted the filmmaker, they asked him about the rumors regarding the stop of the development of derivative films, to which Howard replied: "I do not think that is quite accurate, but I do not think that it is right. "

The initial report stated that Lucasfilm was going ahead with the previously announced films of The last Jedi writer / director Rian Johnson and The iron Throne co-creators David Wenioff and D.B. Weiss, yet the rumor films that focused on Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi were put on hold. Since these films have not been announced, it is difficult to say their development status.

After the word About this widespread delay, Lucasfilm claimed that he was continuing to move forward with a variety of unannounced projects. The two vague reports could technically be accurate given the lack of official announcements about future movies, which means that the studio has not gone back on their word.

"Everyone at Lucasfilm and Disney really cares about fans," Howard said. "I think it's an ongoing process of discovering what this can be, and what all this can add." So, it's a process, and I like the fact, personally, that They take risks, take risks and see how people react. "

Enter Rogue One, Solo, and Episode IX, the studio has suffered from a variety of public creative clashes that have made fans worry about the direction of the saga. The biggest indicator of potential problems came from the disappointing response to Solo, both financially and critically. Howard continued to badert that he viewed the film as a success anyway.

"This film went really well," admitted Howard. "This film worked really well for me, I had a great experience, the polls at the ballot box were excellent and the reaction was great among the fans, and … so … you know. .. the economic side, you know … was not what everyone was looking for. "

The truth behind various contradictory reports on the status of Lucasfilm's films under development is anyone's guess, although there are many movies advertised for fans to expect.

Solo: a story of Star Wars is in theaters now. Episode IX will be released in theaters on December 20, 2019.

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[[[[H / T TMZ]

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