Ronda Rousey and her husband attack security on WWE RAW



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March 19, 2019, 08:07 AM IST


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Email [19659013] Ronda Rousey and Travis Browne have some issues with WWE RAW "src =" "/> [19659013] Ronda Rousey and Travis Browne have some problems with WWE RAW ” src=””/>

Ronda Rousey and Travis Browne have some problems with WWE RAW

What's the story?

This week's episode of WWE RAW saw Ronda Rousey continue ruthlessly to make his way to WrestleMania 35.

At the WWE show this week, Ronda Rousey was asked to take Dana Brooke. faced Brooke in a match, where Brooke wanted to claim his position and his pride in WWE RAW.

Not only it did not come out exactly as Dana Brooke wanted, but WWE officials ended up on the opposite side of Rousey as well as her husband, UFC Fighter, Travis Browne.

In case you do not know …

Ronda Rousey developed the whole new attitude towards him Road to WrestleMania . After much confusion about what would happen at WrestleMania 35, it was finally decided that Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair would meet Ronda Rousey at Show of Shows for the RAW Women's Championship game.

It seems that Rousey broke her head a few weeks ago, attacking Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair on RAW. She was also responsible for Becky Lynch's victory against Charlotte at WWE Fastlane. Rousey intervened and attacked Lynch, winning the game by disqualification, which resulted in him being added to the WrestleMania match.

Many believe that if Becky Lynch was referring to Travis Browne, Rousey would eventually be trapped.

Ronda Rousey bowed her head and disbadembled Dana Brooke in a few seconds, placing her in an armband and tapping her. However, Rousey did not let go and continued to put pressure on his arm. Finally, the referees intervened and, while Rousey let go, she attacked the referee.

She went out and kissed her husband, Travis Browne, who was at the ring, when she was approached by WWE security agents for her actions.

She attacked a guard and when another guard tried to take her, her husband, Travis Browne, attacked him. He then proceeded to the exit of Rousey over the barrier and both went out.

Next Steps

This is not the first time Rousey has attacked WWE officials. The last time she was fined, and now that her husband is also interfering, other consequences could result.

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