Rush of medals for Indian shuttlers at the Russian Open


Sourabh Verma, the Indian standard bearer, won Sunday's gold medal in men's singles, the young mixed doubles Rohan Kapoor and Kuhoo Garg winning the silver medal at the podium. Russian Open

. medal performance at the Asian Juniors in Jakarta.

The Indian shuttlers continued to display a stellar display, which was crowned by sixth-seeded Sourabh, clinching a return win to triumph over Japan's Koki Watanabe in the summit clash.

Having lost the first game 18-21, he dominated the next two by scoring 21-12, 21-17 to win his first title of the season in a thriller that lasted exactly one hour.

In the first game, a dull start saw Sourabh hanging out 5-11 Even though Watanabe only managed a slight lead in the start

Yet, the former national champion showed a lot of character and leveled at 18-18 before the Japanese # 119 finishes with emphasis.

Sourabh, eager to stay on the hunt for the medal, he looked much calmer and with his effective mid-court pbades and an equally solid net play, he kept his eye on it. advance to take the second game 21-12.

Watanabe seemed determined not to lower his guard, with a quick lead of 9-3. However, Sourav recovered from nowhere and exhibited his prowess during rallies, restoring the advance, thanks to attacks from basis and decisive stops.

The Japanese bowed under pressure and made several non-contrary mistakes. Sourabh allowed Sourabh to win the match and the match at 21-17.

Sourabh, who won the recent All India National Senior Ranking tournament to make the Asian Games team cup, said: I am very satisfied with my performance here, I played my natural game and I'm happy with the way the results have been achieved. "

" This victory will keep my spirits up for the Jakarta Games next month. "Kuhoo Garg and Rohan Kapoor, who had won the silver medal at the Lagos International last week, continued their sublime form to repeat the success at the Russian Open.

They made a valiant effort but succumbed 19-21, 17-21 the Russian-Japanese combination of Vladimir Ivanon and Min Kyung Kim in the final

The young couple is now ready to make their first appearance at the World Championships. 19659002] Congratulating the players for their beautiful show, Badminton Association of India Secretary General, Ajay K. Singhania said, "Our main goal is to promote and give impression to more young people. young lot indicate that we are going in the right direction.It is really commendable.We will see the participation of 25 players in the World Championship, which is a good sign for the Indian badminton.

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