Russian Putin says he's invited Trump to Moscow


Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that he had invited US President Donald Trump to Moscow and that he and Mr Trump were ready for other summits, but that conditions had to be met for that a meeting takes place.

million. Putin and Mr Trump met in Helsinki earlier this month at a summit, but Mr Trump faced a storm of criticism upon his return for his treatment of the meeting.

S addressing reporters at a summit of BRICS countries in South Africa Putin felt that phone calls between Moscow and Washington were inadequate and that both sides needed to meet to discuss issues such as the Iranian nuclear agreement, the Middle East conflicts and the arms control treaties

. well what President Trump said. He has the desire to have other meetings, to hold other meetings. I'm ready for that. We need the right conditions to exist, to be created, including in our countries, "Putin said at a press conference

" We are ready for such meetings. We are ready to invite President Trump to Moscow. By all means. By the way, he has such an invitation, I told him about it. "

" I am ready to go to Washington. I repeat again, if good working conditions are created. "

Putin said in the meantime, it was possible that he and Mr. Trump would meet on the sidelines of the G-20 summit, or another international event.

In a reference to the reaction to the 39 US interior after Trump's performance At the Helsinki summit, Putin said: "Despite the difficulties, in this case the difficulties related to the internal political situation in the United States , life goes on and our contacts continue. "

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