Russian talks with rebels on southern Syria collapse


Negotiations between Russians and Syrian rebels to end violence in the south of the country collapsed after opposition forces rejected Moscow's proposed surrender conditions, a spokesman said. Rebel speech and a war watchman. In southern Syria, airstrikes intensified on rebel held parties in Daraa province bordering Jordan.

Today's negotiations took place yesterday, during which the Russians presented their conditions to end a Russian-backed government offensive aimed at capturing rebel-held areas on the ground. along the borders with Jordan and the Golan Heights

"The talks collapsed because the Russians insisted on their conditions that we want to surrender," said rebel spokesman Ibrahim Jabawi. "The negotiating team (rebels) refused to surrender and refused to accept the Russian conditions." Rami Abdurrahman, who heads the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights based in Britain, also confirmed that the talks collapsed, adding that soon after, Syrian and Russian fighter planes were intensifying their strikes.

The province of Daraa had been captured and in others, the rebels had agreed to surrender their weapons and to reconcile with the government.

The government offensive that began on June 19 killed hundreds of people and forced more than 50,000 areas near the borders with Jordan and the Golan Heights occupied by Israel.

Jabawi, spokesman for the rebel joint operations room, said the insurgents have established a delegation that met with Russian officials on Friday and Saturday. He added that there are currently more efforts to organize a new round of negotiations to avoid further violence.

Jabawi told the Associated Press that Russia, an ally of President Bashar al-Assad's government, wanted the rebels to hand over their weapons. a return of government forces in rebel-controlled areas

speaking by phone from Jordan Jabawi, he said that meetings with the Russians took place in an area close to the meeting of Daraa Provinces and Sweida

. that the rebels deliver everything and in return, all areas will be under the control of Bashar Assad, "said Jabawi." All those who carry weapons will be judged. "Jabawi had said Saturday that Russian conditions" can not be accepted "adding that in order to put pressure on the rebels, intensive air strikes have targeted villages and towns in the south that have so far largely escaped the violence of the seven-year-old Syrian conflict. Russians aimed to find "a complete solution" for Daraa's future

He stated that the negotiations were aimed at reaching a ceasefire and that the rebels had handed over their heavy weapons. He added that in exchange for Russian guarantees, the rebels would deliver the Naseeb border crossing to Jordan and return state institutions to rebel-held areas in the south.

The Russians would also compile lists of rebel names to work on securing. 116 years after the offensive launched 11 days ago, 116 civilians were killed, including five on Saturday.

Jordanian government spokeswoman Jumana Ghunaimat said that Amnesty was communicating with most of the Syrian crisis, mainly Russia and the United States, in an attempt to reach a ceasefire .

"Jordan insists on its position that a political solution must end the Syrian crisis and deal with humanitarian organizations," she said late yesterday

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